2/17/04 Stoneplace Tr. Tallulah Falls, GA

Stoneplace Trail – Tallulah Gorge State Park

February 17, 2004

HIKERS – Terry Doyle, Jack Jacobi, Steve Jordan, Wayne Miller, Rick Porter-Whitmire, Bob Presley, Tony Presley, Dan Ross, and David Whitaker.

TRAIL INFO. – Our hike today was on the Stoneplace Trail starting at the Tallulah Gorge State Park Interpretive Center parking lot. The trail is a nice woodland trail that follows mostly old road-beds to the Stoneplace Boat Ramp and dock on beautiful Tugalo Lake.

Directions: Take Hwy. 441 to Tallulah Falls, GA and follow the signs to the Jane Hurt Yarn Interpretive Center.

Another beautiful hiking day! Cloudy with temperatures ranging from the low 30’s to the upper 30’s. Total hike today – 10 miles.

The trail-head for today’s hike.
Most of the trail follows old road-beds
The trail is very well marked with signs at all turns.
As we passed under this powerline,
we could see Currahee Mountain on the horizon.
A little more than three miles into the hike,
we started to get views of Tugalo Lake.
There is a nice trail shelter at 4 miles.
“Jet”, the black Lab, led the way for the entire 10 miles!
We arrive at the Stoneplace ramp and dock at the 5-mile mark.
We decided that it was a good
day for a lunchtime campfire!
The OFHC gang for today’s hike. (l-r front) David Whitaker, Steve Jordan, Rick Porter-Whitmire, and Wayne Miller. (back l-r) Dan Ross, Tony Presley, Jack Jacobi, Terry Doyle, and Bob Presley.