4/20/04 Ellicott Rock – Chattooga River

Ellicott Rock – Chattooga River, SC/NC/GA

April 20, 2004

HIKERS – John Bellamy, Jack Jacobi, Steve Jordan, Dan Miller, Wayne Miller, John Mooneyham, Bob Presley, Tony Presley, Dan Ross, Jack Slaton, Bob Thompson.

TRAIL INFO. – Our hike today was to Ellicott Rock from the S.C. Fish Hatchery north of Walhalla, SC. This rock is the original survey mark from 1813 that marked the border of NC/SC/GA (the top right point on the GA state map.)

From the Fish Hatchery parking lot, we hiked the East Fork Trail to the intersection with the Chattooga River (2.5 mi.) and turned north and hiked up to the NC border and Ellicott Rock (1.7 mi).

The survey mark is difficult to find since there are no signs. It is down a short but steep bank and is very close to the river’s edge. We suspect that most people never find it. Actually there are two marked rocks about 15 feet apart. One is called Commissioner’s rock and this survey mark was disputed and the other is called Ellicott Rock. We took pictures of both!

Another beautiful hiking day! Fair skies with temps ranging from the upper 50’s to the upper 70’s F. Total hike 8.4 miles. We rated the trail moderately easy with lots of flat or gentle elevation change.

Fauna / birds identified – Trout, Red-eyed Vireo, Pileated Woodpecker, Black-throated Blue Warbler, Black Throated Green Warbler, and Tufted Titmouse.

Flora identified – Sweet Shrub, Yellow Buckeye, Silver Bells, Several varieties of Trillium (Catesbys, White and pink grandiflora, White erectum / Stinking Benjamin) several types of Violets (white round-leafed, Yellow Round-leafed, Halberd Leafed, and Purple), Wood Anemone, Jack-in-the Pulpit, Cinquefoil, Bluets, and Foam Flowers.

The sign near the Fish Hatchery parking lot.
The trail from the Fish Hatchery followed the East Fork Chattooga River until it intersected the main river and the Chattooga River Trail.
The trail passes by this awesome rock face (wall).
Here we are on the bridge at the intersection of the East Fork and main Chattooga River. Some call it the 40 thousand dollar bridge.
This Eastern Hemlock is sadly infested with the
Hemlock Wooly Adelgid. This pest is severly damaging and
is threatening the existence of this magnificent species.
The most awesome wildflower find of the day! A white “Stinking Benjamin” Trillium (Trillium erectum)
You have to rock-hop across this small stream on the way to Ellicott Rock.
About 0.2 miles from Ellicott Rock, you will see this large boulder in the middle of the river.
Here is the first survey mark (Commissioner’s Rock). Engraved LAT 35 , A.D. 1813 , NC + SC
About 15 feet north of the first rock is Ellicott Rock simply engraved N.C.
The OFHC gang for today’s hike. (Front) Bob Presley, (back l-r) Jack Slaton, Dan Ross, Jack Jacobi, Bob Thompson, John Mooneyham, Wayne Miller, Dan Miller, John Bellamy, Tony Presley, and Steve Jordan.