4/27/04 Standing Indian Mtn., NC

Standing Indian Mtn. NC

April 27, 2004

HIKERS – John Bellamy, Jack Jacobi, Wayne Miller, John Mooneyham, Bob Presley, Tony Presley, Dan Ross, Doug Russell, Jack Slaton, and Dave Standard.

TRAIL INFO. – Our hike today was to Standing Indian Mountain via the Kimsey Creek Trail, Appalachian Trail and Lower Ridge Trail loop. We parked in the lot accross the road from the Outdoor Information Center at Standing Indian Campground off of old HWY 64 west of Franklin, NC.

We hiked to the 5,498 ft. summit of Standing Indian by taking the Kimsey Creek Trail up to Deep Gap on the A.T. then on up to the summit.

After having lunch, we hiked back down to the campground via the Lower Ridge Trail which made the total hike 10+ miles. This hike was a wildflower paradise!

Another beautiful hiking day! Fair skies with temps ranging from the mid 40’s to the upper 50’s F. Total hike 10.5 miles. We rated the hike moderately strenuous with lots of elevation change.

Fauna identified – Salamander, Wood Thrush, Robin, Junco, Pileated Woodpecker, Black-throated Blue Warbler, Tufted Titmouse.

Flora identified – Toothwort (2 kinds), Ragwort, Trillium (5 types), Wood Anemone, Dutchman’s Breeches, Saxifrage (Brook Lettuce), Viburnum (Hobble Bush), Mandarin, Trout Lily, False Helleborus, Hooked Buttercup, Serviceberry, Star Chickweed, Violets(5 types), Wild Geranium, Squaw Root, Wood Betony, Foam Flower, May Apple, Stone Crop among others.

The sign across from our parking lot.
The Kimsey Creek Trail follows the creek for much of the way.
We joined the Appalachian Trail at Deep Gap and headed on up to Standing Indian.
One of countless patches of Trillium.
A view from the 5,498 ft. summit of Standing Indian Mtn., NC.
Partly cloudy but still some awesome views.
After lunch at the top, we work our way back down the Lower Ridge Trail.
These are Bluets (Houstonia serpyllifolia) In our area, most
are blue but these had some white blossoms.
The OFHC gang for today’s hike. (l-r) Tony Presley, Bob Presley, Jack Jacobi, John Mooneyham, John Bellamy, Jack Slaton (seated), Wayne Miller, Dan Ross, Doug Russell, and Dave Standard.