5/4/04 Bartram Trail – Buckeye Creek, NC

Buckeye Creek – Wolf Rock Overlook, Bartram Trail, NC

May 4, 2004

HIKERS – John Bellamy, John Hires, Jack Jacobi, Steve Jordan, Rick Porter-Whitmire, Bob Presley, Tony Presley, Dan Ross, Doug Russell, Gerald Shedd, and Bob Thompson.

TRAIL INFO. – Our hike today was on the Bartram Trail from Buckeye Creek (near Otto, NC) between Clayton, GA and Franklin, NC to the Wolf Rock Over-look near Fish Hawk Mountain.

The trail is in good shape and follows an old road-bed for much of the distance. It was a great wildflower day and there were lots of good mountain views.

Another beautiful hiking day! Fair skies with temps ranging from the low 40’s to the upper 60’s F. Total hike approx. 10 miles. We rated the trail moderately difficult with lots of elevation change.

FLORA: Yellow Lady’s-Slipper, Pink Lady’s-Slipper, Showy Orchis, Micheaux’s Saxifrage, Shooting Star, Robin’s Plaintain, Rattlesnake Weed, Spiderwort, Service Berry, Purple Phacelia, Wild Geranium, Wild Sarsparilla, Jack-In-The-Pulpit, Star Chickweed, Squaw Root, Flame Azalea, Nodding Mandarin, Yellow Mandarin, Indian Cucumberroot, Perfoliate Bell Wort, Bluet, Cleavers Bedstraw, Dutchman’s Pipe Vine, May Apple, Fire Pink, Yellow Star Grass, Rue Anemone, Sweet Shrub, Indian Physic, Spring Beauty, Meadow Rue, Golden Alexander, Mountain Laurel, Large Flower Trillium, Vasey’s Trillium, Catesby’s Trillium, Purple Violet, White Violet, Yellow Violet, Bird’s-foot Violet.

FAUNA: Red-Spotted Salamander

BIRDS: Indigo Bunting, Solitary Vireo, Turkey Vulture, Pileated Woodpecker, Oven Bird, Black-and-White Warbler, Barred Owl, Towhee, and Ruffed Grouse.

Trail sign near Buckeye Creek.
A nice little red salamander on the trail.
One of many nice views along the trail.
The Bartram Trail is marked with yellow blazes.
Our lunch-time destination.
One of the Wolf Rock Overlook views.
Looking across from Wolf Rock to Scaly Mountain and Rabun Bald (distant).
The old school bus about 4 miles out.

Great wildflower day!
Yellow Lady Slipper.
Shooting Stars

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The OFHC gang for today’s hike: (l-r) front kneeling, Gerald Shedd, Rick Porter-Whitmire, Doug Russell, and Tony Presley. Back (l-r) Steve Jordan, Bob Presley, Jack Jacobi, Dan Ross, Bob Thompson, John Bellamy and John Hires.