5/11/04 Appalachian Trail – Siler Bald, NC

Siler Bald – Appalachian Trail, NC

May 11, 2004

HIKERS – John Bellamy, Jack Jacobi, Steve Jordan, Wayne Miller, Bob Presley, Tony Presley, Dan Ross, Doug Russell, Gerald Shedd, .

TRAIL INFO. – Our hike today was on the Appalachian Trail from Winding Stair Gap on HWY 64W near Franklin, NC to Siler Bald.

The trail is in very good shape and today was a great wildflower day and there were lots of good mountain views.

Another beautiful hiking day! Fair skies with temps ranging from the mid 50’s to the upper 60’s F. Total hike approx. 8.6 miles. We rated the trail difficulty moderate with lots of elevation change.

BLOOMING FLORA: Showy Orchis, Yellow Lady Slipper, Blue Cohosh, White Baneberry, Wood Anemone, Sweet Cicely, May Apple, Vasey’s Trillium, Large Flowered Trillium, Stinking Benjamin, Hooked Buttercups, Wood Betony, Squaw Root, Bluets, Maple-Leafed Viburnum, Toothwort, Cut-Leafed Toothwort, Trout Lily, Frazer’s Magnolia, Umbrella Leaf, Golden Alexander, Foam Flower, Lyre-Leafed Sage, Jack-in-the Pulpit, Purple Violets, False Lily of the Valley, Wild Geraniums, Cancer Root

FAUNA: Cottontail Rabbit, 2 Garter Snakes.

BIRDS: Junco, Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, Blackburnian Warbler, Blue Jay, Veery, Turkey Vulture, Robin, Oven Bird, Black-Throated Blue Warbler, Black and White Warbler, Solitary Vireo, Cat Bird.

Trail sign at our start point, Winding Stair Gap.
The first half-mile of the hike
brought us by this nice little waterfalls.
Nice little bunny in the middle of the Appalachian Trail.
We work our way up the mountain
and notice lots of wildflowers!.
As we walk up the long grassy slope to Siler Bald, we get many nice views
(even on this partly cloudy day).
Looking over to Winespring Gap and Wayah Bald (right).
The old apple tree at the top of Siler Bald.
Working our way back down from Siler Bald.
Outstanding wildflower find of the day – Yellow Lady Slippers!
The OFHC gang for today’s hike: (l-r) front kneeling, Steve Jordan and Gerald Shedd Back (l-r) John Bellamy, Wayne Miller, Doug Russell, Tony Presley,
Bob Presley, Dan Ross, and Jack Jacobi.