7/27/04 Foothills Trail – Burrell’s Ford, SC

Chattooga River and Foothills Trail – Burrell’s Ford – Big Bend.

July 27, 2004

HIKERS – John Bellamy, Wayne Miller, Bob Presley, Donna Presley, Tony Presley, Dan Ross, Doug Russell, Bob Thompson.

TRAIL INFO. – Our hike today was on the combined Foothills and Chattooga River Trails. We parked at the Burrell’s Ford Campground off of Highway 107 north of Walhalla, SC. We hiked south to the Big Bend Falls area and on the return trip we hiked up to King Creek Falls

Total hike today approx. 8 miles.

Another beautiful hiking day! Cloudy skies with a few sprinkles with temps. in the low to mid 70’s F.

FLOWERS IN BLOOM: Joe Pye Weed, Spotted Jewel Weed, Tassel Rue, Lobelia, St. Andrew’s Cross, Heal All, Spikenard, Cranefly Orchid, Rattlesnake Plantain Orchid, Yellow Fringed Orchid, Yellow Root, Beggar’s Lice, Mountain Mint, Black-Eyed Susan, Phlox.

FAUNA: Young Banded Watersnake, American Crow, Pileated Woodpecker, Carolina Wren.

We hiked on the combined Foothills and Chattooga River Trails.
Most of today’s portion of the trail offers nice views
and sounds from the Chattooga River.
After heavy overnight rains, the river was very full and muddy.
Dan picked up this little snake for a closer look.
Probably a young Banded Water Snake?
At about the 3 mile mark, we cross
over a nice side-stream with small falls.
Here we pass by a large rock ledge with
bright orange fungi growing beneath.
Wildflower of the day!
Yellow Fringed Orchid (Platanthera ciliaris).
Our next destination for the day.
Beautiful King Creek Falls.
Jet enjoys the water all along the trail.
The O.F.H.C. gang for today’s hike. (l-r) Doug Russell, Bob Presley, Bob Thompson, Wayne Miller, Donna and Jet Presley, John Bellamy, Tony Presley, and Dan Ross.