8/10/04 Jack’s Knob Trail – Brasstown Bald, GA

Jack’s Knob Trail – Brasstown Bald, GA

August 10, 2004

HIKERS – Jack Jacobi, Doug Russell, and Bob Thompson. Most of our hikers were serving as Poll Workers on this election day in Georgia. Still, these three dedicated hikers kept the O.F.H.C from having a zero day!

TRAIL INFO. – Our hike today was on the Jack’s Knob Trail where we parked at the intersection of Hwy 180 and alt 180. We hiked to the Brasstown Bald parking lot and then on up to the Summit of Brasstown Bald (Georgia’s highest point – 4,784 ft.) .

Total hike today 7 miles.

Directions: Drive North from Helen on Hwy 75 for about 15-20 minutes. Turn left on Hwy. 180 and drive until you see the Hwy. alt 180 turn-off on the right. There is a parking lot at this intersection for access to the trail.

Another beautiful hiking day! Partly cloudy , temp. in the low 60’s F and colder on top with a breeze!

FLOWERS IN BLOOM: Yellow fringed orchid, Turks Cap Lily, Spiderwort, Healall, Queen Annes Lace, Goldenrod, Sourwood tree blossoms, Rattlesnake Plantain, White Horsemint, Joe Pye Week, Phlox, and White Snakeroot. .

BIRDS: Pileated Woodpecker, Crow, Bluejay, Catbird, Junco, Cardinal, plus a kestrel on the highway.

We started here. (Hwy. 180 – alt 180 intersection.
A nice Turk’s Cap Lily.
The Visitor’s Center at the summit.
Looking back down to the parking lot!
A large group of Yellow-fringed Orchids next to the road.
The O.F.H.C. gang for today’s hike. (l-r) Jack Jacobi, Doug Russell and Bob Thompson.