8/24/04 Bartram Trail – Chattooga River, GA

Bartram Trail – Chattooga River from Hwy. 28 bridge, GA

August 24, 2004

HIKERS – Phil Brownrigg, Jack Jacobi, Steve Jordan, Wayne Miller, John Mooneyham, Doug Russell, Bob Presley, Tony Presley, Bob Thompson, Geri Whitaker, and David Whitaker .

TRAIL INFO. – Today’s Hike began at the Hwy. 28 Bridge on the GA/SC State line in Rabun County. We hiked Southward on the Bartram trail which parallels the Chattooga River. We hiked four miles, had lunch and returned. This hike is mostly flat with a couple of small climbs.

Total hike today 8 miles.

Another beautiful hiking day! Partly cloudy , temp. in the low 70’s F. to about 80F.

Flora in Bloom: Elephant’s Foot, Sneeze Weed, Kudzu, Rattlesnake Plantain, Yellow Fringed Orchid, Serecia, Yellow Star Grass, Bull Thistle, Virgin Bower, Starry Campion, Lobelia, New Jersey Tea, Lady’s Thumb, Spotted Jewel Weed, Yellow Leaf Cut, Cardinal Flower, Asiatic Day Flower, Trumpet Vine, Butterfly Pea, Partridge Pea, Crimson Clover, Wild Potato, Mountain Horse Mint, Yellow St Andrew’s Cross, Hog Peanut, Horse Balm, Skull Cap, Spiderwart, White Wood Aster, Phlox, Woodland Sun Flower, Goldenrod, Euonymus, Beggar’s Lice, Rudbeckia, Heal-All, Joe Pye Weed, Wild Hydrangea, Spurge, Passion Flower, Queen Anne’s Lace, Poke Weed, Horse Nettle & Evening Primrose.

FAUNA: Carolina Wren, Crow, Pileated Woodpecker,Tohee, White Breasted Nuthatch, Titmouse, Goldfinch, Canada Geese, Veery, Grouse, Wood Thrush.

The marker at Highway 28 bridge.
Looking down the North Fork of the
Chattooga River from the Hwy. 28 bridge.
Our group crossing the bridge over the West Fork Chattooga River.
We cross several creeks along the way.
Here, we pass by an old abandoned hay baler.
This area was farm land back in the 1930’s.
This portion of the Bartram Trail is well-maintained.
One of several nice views of the river along the way.
Wildflower of the day – Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis).
The O.F.H.C. gang for today’s hike. (l-r)Tony Presley, Wayne Miller, John Mooneyham, Bob Presley, Bob Thompson, Jack Jacobi, Doug Russell (kneeling), Phil Brownrigg, David Whitaker, Geri Whitaker, and Steve Jordan.