10/26/04 White Rock Mtn. – Bartram Trail, NC

Bartram Trail – White Rock Mountain – NC

October 26, 2004

HIKERS – John Bellamy, David Carswell, Jack Jacobi, Wayne Miller, Donna Presley, Tony Presley, Bob Thompson, Geri Whitaker, David Whitaker .

TRAIL INFO. – Today, we hiked on The Bartram Trail starting at Jones Gap and hiking to Jones Knob, White Rock Mountain and beyond toward Fish Hawk Mountain. The trail was in excellent shape as Bartram Trail Society volunteers had recently cleaned up all of the blow-downs from the storms last month.

Directions: The Jones Gap parking lot is located at the end of Jones Gap Road west of Highlands, NC.

Another great day for a hike! Sunny with temps. ranging from the low to upper 60’s.

FLORA IN BLOOM: Phlox, Asters (white and blue), Michaux’s Saxifrage, Hawk Weed, Heal-all, Lady’s Thumb.

FAUNA: Garter Snake – Birds Identified- Towhee, Blue Jay, Brown Thrasher, Hawk, Raven, Turkey Vulture, Robin.

Our starting point – Jones Gap – NC
We hiked up the side trail up to Jones Knob and
found this awesome view into the cloud-filled valley.
Looking to the east from Jones Knob, we see Scaly Mountain.
Back on the Bartram Trail, we find this nice overview
looking toward White Rock Mountain.
A typical view of the trail showing the nice clean-up
work of the Bartram Trail Society volunteers.
We almost stepped on this nice Garter Snake on the trail.
One of the great views from White Rock Mountain!
We decided that this was a great place for our lunch break.
Looking down below into the valley, we find nice color!
The OFHC Gang for today’s hike (l-r) David Whitaker, Geri Whitaker, John Bellamy, Bob Thompson, Tony Presley, Donna Presley, Wayne Miller and Jack Jacobi. (David Carswell – Not pictured)