6/7/05 Standing Indian Mtn. – NC

Standing Indian – Kimsey Creeek- Lower Ridge loop.

June 7, 2005

HIKERS – John Bellamy, Phil Brownrigg, John Hires,Jack Jacobi, Bob Magee, Dick Metzgar, Wanda Miller, Wayne Miller, Bob Presley, Donna Presley, Tony Presley, Dan Ross, Doug Russell, Dave Standard, Bob Thompson, David Whitaker, Geri Whitaker.

TRAIL INFO. – Today, we hiked to Standing Indian Mountain (elevation 5,499 ft.) from the campground starting on the Kimsey Creek trail, joining the Appalachian Trail at Deep Gap and returning on the Lower Ridge trail making an 11 mile loop.

Total round trip hiking distance – approx. 11 miles

Trail difficulty rating: Moderatey difficult due to an elevation change of 2,000 ft. from the campground to the summit.

Directions: From Franklin, take US Rt. 64 west for 12 miles to Wallace Gap/Standing Indian campground sign (Old Murphy Rd. Old 64). Turn left onto Old Murphy Rd. and go 1.9 miles to Standing Indian campground sign (Forest Rt. 67). Turn right onto Rt. 67 and go 1.8 miles to the fork in the road and bear right into campground.

Another great day for a hike! Partly cloudy and humid with temperatures ranging from the upper 60’s to the mid 80’s.

FLOWERS IN BLOOM: Vasey’s Trillium, Hooked Buttercup, Canada Lily, Foam Flower, Wood Sorrel, Meadow Rue, Tall Meadow Rue, Wild Strawberry, Blueberry, Canada Violet, Purple Violet, Umbrella Leaf, Bluet, Tall Bluet, Wood Betony, Cow Wheat, Flame Azalea, Catawba Rhododendrun, Clinton’s Lily, False Soloman’s Seal, Soloman’s Seal, Indian Cucumber Root, Ragwort, Golden Alexander, Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Squaw Root, Dutchman’s Pipe, Robin’s Plantain, Oxeye Daisy, Twisted Stalk.

BIRDS IDENTIFIED: Veery, Rose Breasted Grosbeak, Carolina Wren, Summer Tanager, Red Eye Vireo, Red Start, Black and White Warbler, Crow, Oven Bird, Towhee, Black Throated Blue Warbler, Pee Wee, Pileated Wood Pecker, Cat Bird, Broad-Winged Hawk, Phoebe.

Our parking lot at Standing Indian Campground.
Crossing a bridge along the Kimsey Creek Trail.
Nice creeks along much of the trail.
Taking a short break at Deep Gap before climbing up to Standing Indian.
The Flame Azaleas were beautiful!
Great views from the top!
View 2.
View 3.
Some of today’s wildflowers. (top – clockwise) Catawba Rhododendron, Meadow Rue, Vasey’s Trillium, White Clintonia.
The OFHC gang for today’s hike. (l-r) kneeling – David Whitaker, Tony Presley. (l-r standing) Bob Magee, Doug Russell, Wayne Miller, Geri Whitaker, Bob Thompson, Wanda Miller, Phil Brownrigg, Donna Presley, John Bellamy, John Hires, Dick Metzgar, Jack Jacobi, Dave Standard, Dan Ross, Bob Presley.