8/16/05 Palmetto Trail – Oconee State Park – SC

The Palmetto Trail – Near Oconee State Park, SC

August 16, 2005

HIKERS – Melissa Anderson, John Bellamy, Ray Hopper, Leigh Ann Miller, Doug Russell, Donna Presley, Tony Presley, Dan Ross, David Whitaker, and Geri Whitaker.

TRAIL INFO. – Today’s hike was in South Carolina on the Palmetto Trail near Oconee State Park. We started at the trail access off of Oconee Station Road and hiked over to the pond at the State Park on Highway 107. We also hiked out to Station Cove Falls. Directions: From the intersection of SC 28 and SC 11 at Walhalla, drive north on SC 11 for 6.3 miles and turn left (northwest) onto Oconee Station Road (Oconee County S-37-95). Drive 2.4 miles (approximately 0.3 mile past Oconee Station State Historic Site) to the trailhead on the left. The hike begins behind the bulletin board.

Trail is ranked moderately difficult due to lots of elevation change. Our hiking distance today – 7.2 miles.

Another great day for a hike! Mostly fair with temperatures ranging from the mid 70’s to the upper 80’s.

FLOWERS IN BLOOM: Yellow Fringed Orchid, Cranefly Orchid, Rattlesnake Plaintain Orchid, Carolina Lily, Starry Campion, Heal All, Yellow Star Grass, Stinging Nettle, Joe Pye Weed, Rosin Weed, Whorled Coreopsis, Daisy Fleabane, Elephant’s Foot, Canada Violet, Flowering Spurge, White Wood Aster, Tall Bluet.

BIRDS IDENTIFIED: Titmouse, Crow, Turkey, Red Eye Vireo, Pilieated Woodpecker, Blue Jay, Black Capped Chickadee, Carolina Wren, White Breasted Nuthatch, Broad Wing Hawk, Grouse, & Oven Bird.

The bulletin board at the trail head on Oconee Station Rd.
Right away, we find some beautiful Yellow Fringed Orchids.
We pass this nice little waterfall early into the hike.
Here, a nice-sized tree has fallen across the trail.
Here, the group pauses to look at the nice photographer!
Our lunch spot for the day!
Pond at Oconee State Park.
Some of today’s wildflowers. (top left – clockwise)Cranefly Orchid,
Carolina Lily, Yellow Star-grass, Flowering Spurge.
This trail is a beautiful walk through lush hardwoods.

The trail is also well-marked with yellow blazes.

Here, we approach Station Cove Falls.
Station Cove Falls!
The OFHC gang for today’s hike. (l-r seated) Leigh Ann Miller, Melissa Anderson, Tony Presley and Ray Hopper. (standing l-r) Doug Russell, Dan Ross, Donna Presley, John Bellamy, Geri Whitaker and David Whitaker.