9/27/05 Issaqueena Falls – King Creek Falls SC

Stumphouse Tunnel – Issaqueena Falls – Yellow Branch Falls – King Creek Falls, SC

September 27, 2005

Today, we hiked in three areas of Oconee County, SC. First, we visited historic Stumphouse Tunnel which was part of a planned railroad in the 1850’s. The tunnel was to carve through the solid granite of Stumphouse Mountain and was abandoned after 1600 feet as the project ran out of money and shortly after that, the Civil War began. We walked to the end of the tunnel and back. (we had flashlights!). From here, we walked down to Issaqueena Falls which is a beautiful cascade of almost 200 ft. Next, we drove to nearby Yellow Branch Recreation area and hiked out to Yellow Branch Falls. A beautiful and unique waterfall. Finally, we drove up the highway to Burrell’s Ford Campground and hiked the Foohills Trail over to King Creek Falls.

Hiking distance today – 6.2 miles

HIKERS – Wanda Miller, Wayne Miller, Doug Russell, Bob Presley, Donna Presley, Tony Presley, Dan Ross, David Whitaker, and Geri Whitaker.

TRAIL INFO. – The trails for today’s hike were in excellent shape with very moderate elevation change. Difficulty rating is moderately easy.

Directions: Take Highway 28 north from Walhalla, SC about 6 miles. Entrance sign is on the right. Yellow Branch Recreation area is just before Stumphouse on the left. Burrell’s Ford is about 10-11 miles beyond Stumphouse on Highway 28. Turn left onto Burrell’s Ford Road and drive to the parking lot of the campground.

Another great day for a hike! Mostly fair with temperatures ranging from the low 60’s to the upper 70’s.

WILDFLOWERS IN BLOOM: Featherbells, Golden Aster, Tall Bluet, Tall Lobelia, Yellow Star Grass, White Snakeroot, White Wood Aster, Heal All, Sensitive Vine, White Turtlehead, Yellowroot, Indian Plaintain, Black-eyed Susan, Begger Lice, Hawkweed, Joe Pye Weed, Horse Balm, Ladie’s Thumb, Alum Root, Asters, Goldenrods. FLOWERS IN FRUIT: Hearts-a-Bursting, Jack-in-Pulpit.

BIRDS IDENTIFIED: Blue Jay, Belted King Fisher, Carolina Wren, Cardinal, White Breasted Nuthatch, Pilieated Woodpecker, Hairy Woodpecker, Crow, Broadwing Hawk, Phoebe, Titmouse, Black Capped Chickadee, Towhee, & Red Shouldered Hawk

Entrance to the Stumphouse Tunnel
The opening for the tunnel.
Here we are at the terminus of the tunnel.
This is where the money ran out and the tunnel stopped!
Walking back out, we see the “light at the end of the tunnel!”.
Beautiful Issaqueena Falls!
Yellow Branch Falls! beautiful and unique .
A freshly fallen tree blocks part of the view…
Our lunch spot for today. A nice picnic shelter at Yellow Branch.
Awesome King Creek Falls!
Nice photo opportunity!
The OFHC gang for today’s hike. (l-r) David Whitaker, Geri Whitaker, Dan Ross, Donna Presley, Wayne Miller, Wanda Miller, Bob Presley, Doug Russell, Tony Presley.