10/25/05 Whiterock Mountain – Bartram Trail – NC

Jones Gap – White Rock Mountain – Bartram Trail – NC

October 25, 2005

Today’s hike was on the Bartram Trail starting at Jones Gap NC and hiking toward Fish Hawk Mountain and the side trails that lead to Jones Knob and Whiterock Mountain.. The terrain is rated moderate with lots of level walking along with climbs up to the mountain vistas. Really a mostly easy hike overall.

HIKERS – Dianne Farmer, Ray Hopper, Jack Jacobi, Dick Metzgar, Wayne Miller, Doug Russell, Bob Presley, Donna Presley, Tony Presley, Dan Ross, Bob Thompson, David Whitaker, and Geri Whitaker.

TRAIL INFO. – This portion of the Bartram Trail is one of our favorites. Several fantastic viewpoints along the way. The best views are on the side trails up to Jones Knob and Whiterock Mountain. The terrain is very gentle with the exception of the short climbs up to the vistas.

Directions: From the corner of 4th and Main in Highlands, take US64/28 (toward Franklin) for 4.2 miles to Turtle Pond Rd. (SR1620). Turn left and drive 1.1 miles to SR1678. Turn right and drive 1.4 miles to the top of a hill. Turn left on Jones Gap Rd. (FR4522). Take this road 2 miles to the parking area. The trail leaves the parking area on the right

Another great day for a hike! Cloudy to partly cloudy skies with light snow showers and temperatures ranging from 30 to 35 degrees F.

WILDFLOWERS IN BLOOM: Lady’s Thumb, Shaggy Soldier, White Snakeroot, Blue Aster, Heart-leafed Aster, White Bush Aster, White Woods Aster, Tall Bluet, Heal All, Phlox, Mountain Gentian.

BIRDS IDENTIFIED: Carolina Chickadee & Pilieated Woodpecker.

Our trail-head for the day.
We were surprised by an early season snowfall!
These Phlox were also surprised by the snow!.
As you can see, the temperature was well below freezing!
When we arrived at the summit of White Rock Mountain,
it was completely fogged-in with no views.
About half way back toward Jones Knob, we see that the fog had lifted from White Rock.
Rime ice on the trees below the rocks!.
Lunchtime on the rock overlook between White Rock and Jones Knob.
Nice view with White Rock Mountain on the right.
View one from Jones Knob!
View two from Jones Knob!
The OFHC gang for today’s hike. (l-r ) David Whitaker, Jack Jacobi, Bob Thompson, Tony Presley, Donna Presley, Bob Presley, Geri Whitaker, Doug Russell, Dick Metzgar, Ray Hopper, Dianne Farmer, Dan Ross, and Wayne Miller.