8/1/06 Glen Falls – Sunset Rocks, NC

Glen Falls, Sunset Rocks, Dry Falls, NC

August 1, 2006

This week’s hike was a combination of 3 short trails in the Highlands, NC area.

HIKERS – Bob Magee, Dick Metzgar, Wanda Miller, Wayne Miller, Doug Russell, Jack Slaton, Bob Thompson, Kurt Volker, and Sharon Volker .

TRAIL INFO. – First trail of the day was the Glen Falls Trail which is 3 mi south of Highlands on Hwy. 106. This trail brings you past three cascading waterfalls and ends at a forest service road and the bottom of the hill. Next, we traveled to Highlands Botanical Garden located on East Main Street, approximately 1/4 mile from the center of town. Sunset Rocks Trail starts across the street from the Botanical Gardens and it leads up to a large rock face overlooking Highlands. Finally, we travel to Dry Falls located 3.3 miles from Highlands on US 64 toward Franklin.

Total hiking distance today – approx. 5 miles.

Another great day for a hike! Partly cloudy, temperatures ranging from the low 70’s to the low 80’s..

FLOWERS IN BLOOM: Rattlesnake plantain, Black Eyed Susan, Rhododendron, Hawkweed, Goldenrod, Oxalis, Heal all, Phlox, Sourwood, Joe Pye Weed, Alum root, Tall bluet, and Stinging nettle.

BIRDS IDENTIFIED: Tohee, Broad Wing Hawk, Vulture, Red eyed vireo, Veery, Carolina Chickadee, and Tufted titmouse.

The start of the Glen Falls Trail.
The view from the top of the first falls.
The Rhododendrons are still blooming!.
The bottom of the upper falls.
The bottom of the second falls.
Share the trail with a snake!
Common Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis)
Next we do the Sunset Rocks Trail.
The View from Sunset Rocks!
A very nice place to explore.
Next, we enjoy the cooling mist as we walk behind spectacular Dry Falls!
The OFHC gang for today’s hike. (l-r)Kurt Volker, Wanda Miller, Jack Slaton, Dick Metzgar, Sharon Volker, Doug Russell, Bob Thompson, Bob Magee, and Wayne Miller.