9/5/06 Siler Bald A.T., NC

Wayah Crest – Siler Bald, NC

September 5, 2006

This week’s hike was in North Carolina, west of Franklin, on the Appalachian Trail from Wayah Crest to Siler Bald and to the Siler Bald shelter.

HIKERS – Dan Bennett, Greg Bennett, Matthew Bennett, Steve Bennett, Phil Brownrigg, Jack Jacobi, Dick Metzgar, Leigh Ann Miller, Wayne Miller, Bruce O’Connor, Jeanne O’Connor, Dan Ross, Doug Russell, Bob Presley, Donna Presley, Tony Presley, Bob Thompson, David Whitaker, Geri Whitaker, and Carole Wintle .

TRAIL INFO. – The Appalachian Trail from Wayah Crest to Siler Bald is a nice gradual climb with a steeper climb the last quarter mile. As usual, the trail was in good shape. We added the 1.8 mile loop that includes the Siler Bald shelter. Overall difficulty rating – moderate.

Total hiking distance – 5.6 miles

Directions: From Franklin, NC, travel west on US 64 for 3 miles to Old Murphy Road where there is a Wayah Bald sign. Turn right and drive .2 mile to Wayah Road (SR 1310). Turn left and continue for 9 miles to Wayah Gap and FR 69. (Wayah Crest Picnic Area is on the left.)

Another great day for a hike! Cloudy with rain showers, temperatures ranging from the low 60’s to the low 70’s..

FLOWERS IN BLOOM: Pale Jewelweed, Spotted Jewelweed, White Wood Aster, White Snakeroot, Starry Campion, Heal-All, Featherbells, False Foxglove, Heart-leafed Aster, Dodder, White Yarrow, Southern Harebells, Black-eyed Susan, Horse Balm, Turtleheads, Black Cohosh, Peruvian Daisy, Joe Pye Weed, Alumroot and Indian Plaintain.

BIRDS IDENTIFIED: Crow, White Breasted Nuthatch, Titmouse, Blue Jay, Pileated Woodpecker, Black Throated Blue Warbler, Junco.

Our starting point.
Telling stories at the base of Siler Bald.
White Baneberry “Doll’s Eyes”
(Actaea pachypoda) .
The grassy slope up to the summitt of Siler Bald.
Unfortunately fogged in today!
Turtle Heads (Chelone glabra)
We ate lunch at the Siler Bald Shelter.
The OFHC has gone International! OFHC member –
(NC resident orig. from England) Steve Bennett (front) with his brother Dan
Bennett & sons Greg and Matthew (visiting from England). & Penny the “trail dog”
Starting the trek back down to Wayah Crest Picnic Area.
Pale Jewelweed (Impatiens pallida)
Another great day for a hike in the rain!
The OFHC gang for today’s hike: (front two rows l-r) Tony Presley, Jeanne O’Connor, Bruce O’Connor, Leigh Ann Miller, Carole Wintle, Geri Whitaker, Donna Presley, and David Whitaker. (back l-r) Jack Jacobi, Matthew Bennett, Dan Bennett, Dick Metzgar, Greg Bennett, Steve Bennett, Wayne Miller, Bob Presley, Bob Thompson, Phil Brownrigg, Doug Russell, and Dan Ross.