11/14/06 Sandy Ford – Bartram Trail- GA

Sandy Ford – Chattooga River and Bartram Trails

November 14, 2006

This week’s hike was on the Bartram and Chattooga River Trails in Rabun County, GA.

HIKERS – John Bellamy, June Bellamy, Dick Metzgar, Wayne Miller, Bruce O’Connor, Jeanne O’Connor, Dan Ross, Bob Thompson, David Whitaker, Geri Whitaker, and Carole Wintle.

TRAIL INFO. – Leaving the parking area we hiked about 150 yards further to the trail sign on the left and right. We took the left side and went out .6 mi. to Dicks Creek Falls, a very scenic area, then returned .3 mi. to the y junction with the Chatooga River Trail. We followed the Chatooga River trail 3.0 mi. to a nice lunch spot on the side of the Chatooga River. This was a scenic highland trail with intermittent views of the Chatooga River below. Our lunch spot was about .l mi. after we descended to the River. On the trip out, we returned 2.3 miles on the trail, then walked back on the Sandy Ford Road.

Total hiking distance – 7 miles. Rating easy to moderate because of the elevation change.

Directions: Take Warwoman Road 5.9 miles from Clayton, GA, turning right onto Sandy Ford Road and traveling 0.6 mi. down Sandy Ford Road, turning left and crossing a concrete bridge, then procede 3.3 miles further on Sandy Ford Road to a ford of Dick’s Creek, then up to the top of the next hill, you will find a nice parking area.

Another great day for a hike! Partly Cloudy and mild, temperatures from 47 to 73 F.

FLOWERS IN BLOOM: Bottle Gentian, Blue Aster and Heal All. Patrridgeberries in fruit (abundant).

BIRDS IDENTIFIED: Belted Kingfisher, Chickadee, Turkey Vulture, Carolina Wren, Crow, Ruby Crowned Kinglet.

Nice trail marker near the parking lot.
The Ford
Headed toward Dicks Creek Falls
Another great day for a hike!
Beautiful Dicks Creek Falls empties into the Chattooga River.
The “Wild and Scenic Chattooga River”.
Great views along the river! Notice the potholes in the rock!
Typical view of the river along the trail.
Great lunch spot on the Chattooga River!
A nice calm spot on the “Wild and Scenic” river.
Chattooga River Trail marker.
The OFHC gang for today’s hike. (l-r) John Bellamy, Bruce O’Connor, Carole Wintle, Dan Ross, Bob Thompson, Geri Whitaker, David Whitaker, Jeanne O’Connor, Dick Metzgar, June Bellamy, and Wayne Miller.