7/3/07 Brasstown Bald- Jack’s Knob – GA

Jack’s Knob Trail – Brasstown Bald, GA

July 3, 2007

Today’s hike was on the Jack’s Knob Trail up to the summit of Brasstown Bald (Georgia’s highest peak at 4,784 ft.) On clear days, the spectacular 360-degree view from atop the mountain allows you to see four states, Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, and South Carolina. Today turned out NOT to be one of those clear days. The weather was cloudy, cool and foggy.

HIKERS – Chuck Crisp, Bob Magee, Fred Marland, Dick Metzgar, Wanda Miller, Wayne Miller, Bruce O’Connor, Jeanne O’Connor, Dan Ross,Doug Russell, Pom Sinnock, Bob Thompson.

TRAIL INFO. – This portion of the Jack’s Knob Trail is a steep climb from the intersection of Highway 180 and Alt. 180 up to the parking lot of Brasstown Bald. From the parking lot there is a .6 mile asphalt trail up to the summit to the Brasstown Bald Visitors Center which has a nice interpretive center with great observation deck for the awesome 360 degree views.

Directions: Drive North from Helen on Hwy 75 past Unicoi Gap and continue down the other side of the mountain and continue to the intersection of Hwy 180. Turn left on Hwy. 180 and drive to the Hwy. “alt 180” intersection on the right (stop here). There is a parking lot at this intersection for access to the Jack’s Knob Trail.

Another great day for a hike! Mostly cloudy with temperatures mostly in the low to mid 60’s .

Hiking distance – approximately 7 miles.

WILDFLOWERS IN BLOOM: Mullein, Sourwood, New Jersey Tea, Wild Indigo, Yellow Stargrass, Mountain Laurel, Rosebay Rhododendrun, Flame Azalea, Sweet Azalea, Daisy Fleabane, Black-eyed Susan, Tall Bluet, Pipisissawa, Cow Wheat, Galax, Poke Milkweed, Sundrops, Tall Meadow Rue, Mountain Hydrangea, St. John’s Wort, Spiderwort, Whorled Loosestrife, Indian Pipes, Squawroot, Purple Raspberry, Summersweet, Oxeye Daisy, Fire Pink and Hairy Skullcap.

BIRDS IDENTIFIED: Dark-eyed Junco, American Crow, Towhee, Veery, Ovenbird, Chimney Swift, and Rough-winged Swallow.

Parking today at the intersection of Highway 180 and Alt. 180 (Brasstown access road)
A dark, cool, foggy morning!
A Rosebay Rhododendron just beginning to open. .
We reach the parking lot at Brasstown and find it fogged-in.
“Another great day for a hike!”
The start of the short asphalt trail up to the visitors center.
Pom sets up the camera for our group picture.
Normally a spectacular view of the mountains.
After lunch, the fog has lifted from the parking lot below but the visitors center is still in the fog.
A beautiful mass of Rosebay Rhododendrons!

Coming down the mountain.

The OFHC gang for today’s hike. (l-r kneeling) Pom Sinnock, Bruce O’Connor, Wanda Miller. (l-r standing) Bob Magee, Bob Thompson, Jeanne O’Connor, Chuck Crisp, Fred Marland, Dick Metzgar, Wayne Miller, Doug Russell, Dan Ross.