7/10/07 Chinquapin Mtn. Trail – NC

Chinquapin Mountain Trail – Highlands, NC

July 10, 2007

Today’s hike was on the Chinquapin Mountain Trail including the loop trail up to “The Mountain” Retreat Center near Highlands, NC. We enjoyed the 5 lookout points along the rim of the mountain and continued up to the Retreat for our lunch break.

HIKERS – Phil Brownrigg, Chuck Crisp, Jack Jacobi, Bob Magee, Fred Marland, Dick Metzgar, Wanda Miller, Wayne Miller, Jeanne O’Connor, Donna Presley, Tony Presley, Joe Raguckas, Doug Russell, Pom Sinnock, Bob Thompson.

TRAIL INFO. – This is a very nice trail through a great forest with a nice shade canopy for most of the hike. Cooling mountain streams early into the hike and great mountain views along the ridge of the mountains. The trail has considerable elevation change but not extreme for the most part.

Directions: The Chinquapin Mountain Trail starts at the Glenn Falls parking lot located off of Highway 106 (the Dillard Highway) about 3 miles south of Highlands, NC. Look for the sign to Glenn Falls.

Another great day for a hike! Partly cloudy with temperatures ranging from the upper 60’s to mid 70’s F.

Hiking distance – approximately 6 miles.

WILDFLOWERS IN BLOOM: White Yarrow, Spurge, Coreopsis, White Aster, Hawkweek, Galax, Rosebay Rhododendron, Whorled Loosestrife, Starry Campion, Spiderwort, Mountain Mint, Pale Corydalis, Bergamot, Phlox, Fire Pink, Milkweed, Tall Bluet, Stachys, Joe Pye Weed, Bush Honeysuckle, Summersweet, Oxalis, Jewelweed, Cow Wheat, Fly Poison, Black Eyed Susan, Wild Hydrangea, Daisy Fleabane.

BIRDS IDENTIFIED: Mourning Dove, Towhee, Carolina wren, Blue Jay, White Breasted Nuthatch, Black Throated Blue Warbler, Junco .

Our parking spot today.
Shortly into the hike, we cross this nice foot-bridge.
Lots of cool mountain streams along the way!
Along the ridge of Chinquapin Mountain, there are 5 lookoff points on rock ledges. .
Nice mountain views at each look-off.
The Phlox were blooming.
Here, we look across to our lunchtime destination. “The Mountain”.
At “The Mountain”, we enjoy the nice observation tower.
Views from the observation tower.
view 2

Lunchtime on the deck (with permission) at “The Mountain”.


Rosebay Rhododendron were everywhere!

The OFHC gang for today’s hike. (l-r in rocking chairs) Tony Presley, Donna Presley, Jeanne O’Connor, Jack Jacobi, Wanda Miller, Bob Magee, Chuck Crisp. (l-r off their rockers) Phil Brownrigg, Fred Marland, Wayne Miller, Bob Thompson, Doug Russell, Pom Sinnock, Dick Metzgar, Joe Raguckas.