9/4/07 Chattooga River Trail – GA

Chattooga River Trail, GA

September 4, 2007

Today’s hike was on the Chattooga River Trail on the border of GA/SC. Starting at the Highway 76 Bridge parking area on the SC side of the river, we hiked northward for approximately 4 miles for our lunch spot on the “Wild and Scenic” Chattooga River. Total round trip 8 mi.

HIKERS – John Bellamy, June Bellamy, Bill Hunt, Jack Jacobi, Linda Johnson, Gerry Metzger, Joe Metzger, George Otis, Bob Presley, Joe Raguckas, Doug Russell, Pom Sinnock, Dan Ross, David Whitaker, Geri Whitaker, Carole Wintle.

TRAIL INFO. – The SC parking lot at Highway 76 includes a very new and nice facility upgrade including new steps for trail access with footbridge across to the GA side where the trail goes northward along the river. The trail is rolling with stretches of flat walking. Today’s hike was a bit more difficult due to the heat and lack of breeze.

Directions: From Clayton, GA, take Hwy. 76 east to the SC state line (Chattooga River) and park at the trailside facility. The famous Bull Sluice rapids (class 5) can be viewed from this park.

Another great day for a hike! Sunny and hot with temperatures rising to the mid to upper 80’s F.

Hiking distance – approx. 8 miles

WILDFLOWERS IN BLOOM: Yellow Coneflower, Cardinal Flower, Tall Lobelia, Yellow Stargrass, St. Andrew’s Cross, Gerardia, White Heart-leafed Aster, Golden Aster, White Woods Aster, Rosin Weed, Joe Pye Weed, Rattlesnake Orchid, Southern Harebell, Flowering Spurge, Tall Bluet, Begger’s Lice, Elephant’s Foot, Black-eyed Susan, Spikenard, Goldenrod, Asiatic Dayflower, and Coralroot.

BIRDS IDENTIFIED: Pileated Woodpecker, Crow, Oven Bird, Red Start, Blue Jay, Carolina Chickadee, Titmouse, Veery, Black Throated Blue Warbler, Phoebe.

Other Fauna – Box Turtle

Marker near Highway 76 bridge.
New trail access steps on the SC side of the river at Hwy. 76.
Crossing the bridge to GA.
View from the bridge! .
Looking straight down from the bridge.
Engraved trail rock.
Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis)
Lunchtime on the Chattooga River!
Great lunchtime view down the Chattooga.
Pom sets up the camera for our group picture.
The OFHC gang from today’s hike (seated front l-r) Pom Sinnock, Carole Wintle, Joe Raguckas. (back l-r) Bob Presley, George Otis, Gerry Metzger, Dan Ross, Joe Metzger, Doug Russell, Jack Jacobi, Bill Hunt, Linda Johnson, June Bellamy, John Bellamy, Geri Whitaker, David Whitaker.