11/24/07 Mt. Meru – Zanzibar Africa

Zanzibar, Africa – Mt. Meru

November 17- Dec 4, 2007

Four OFHC hikers went International and hiked on Mt. Meru during their family trip to Zanzibar, Africa. They hiked to an amazing elevation of 13,782 feet (2.61 miles). This is where altitude sickness started to show its effects so this was their turn back point. The actual peak of the mountain is 14,980 feet.

HIKERS – Leigh Ann Miller, Dan Miller, Wanda Miller and Wayne Miller along with guides Good Luck and Isaack.

TRAIL INFO. – An amazing trail with awesome views including snow-capped Mt. Kilimanjaro . From Wikipedia – Mount Meru is an active volcano located 70 kilometres (44 miles) west of Mount Kilimanjaro. It reaches 4,566 meters (14,980 feet) in height but has lost much of its bulk due to an eastward volcanic blast about 8,000 years ago, similar to the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington. Mount Meru most recently had a minor eruption about a century ago. The several small cones and craters seen in the vicinity probably reflect numerous episodes of volcanic activity.

Directions: Tanzania is a country in East Africa bordered by Kenya and Uganda on the north, Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo on the west, and Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique on the south. To the east it borders the Indian Ocean.Tucked at the foot of Mount Meru, the town of Arusha is the first stop on the northern safari circuit and is the undisputed safari capital of East Africa.

Another great day for a 4 day hiking adventure! Hiking temperature in the 70’s F at the start and the frosty 20’s at the high point of the hike.

Dan and Wanda at the airport in Zanzibar.
Thanksgiving day, 2007, sunset from the lighthouse on Chumbe
Island, off the coast of Zanzibar in the Indian Ocean.
View of Mt. Meru from the bottom.
Guide Isaac, Ranger Isaac, and Leigh Ann enjoy a rest on day one of the trek up Mt. Meru .
Looking down on some buildings from the trail above.
Awesome view of Mt. Kilimanjaro from the camp after day one
of the trek. They were at 2500 meters (8,204 ft.).
At the peak of Little Meru.
Sunrise at high point of the hike where altitude sickness was starting to set in. 13,782 feet (4,200 meters) The Millers along with guides Isaack, and Good Luck!
Stuck in the soft sand. It took about an hour to get out, with the help of several other guides and tourists, plus a couple of Maasai tribesmen.
Most of the wild animal photos were taken as we drove through the Serengeti National Park.
Golden Crowned Crane, national bird of Uganda.
The Wild Kingdom
More wild!
Guide Hashim with Dan, Wanda, Leigh Ann and Wayne as we exit Ngorongoro Crater prior to our departure from Africa, the ending of a wonderful family adventure.