8/18/09 Chattooga River Trail- Big Bend- SC

Chattooga River Trail – Foothills Trail – Big Bend – King Creek Falls – August 18, 2009

Today, we hiked on the northern border of SC and Georgia on the Chattooga River Trail and the Foothills Trail. Starting at the Burrells Ford parking lot, we first hiked down to the Chattooga River through the campground and joined the Chattooga River Trail and headed south. We continued to the Big Bend Area and had lunch on the rocks at the river. We returned back up the trail toward Burrells Ford and took the fork to the right on the Foothills Trail and did the side trail up to King Creek Falls. We then rejoined the Foothills Trail northward to the Burrells Ford campground parking lot. Total for the day approx. 8 miles.

HIKERS – John Bellamy, June Bellamy, Karen Brown, Phil Brownrigg, Greta Driggers, Jim Driggers, Pam Euliss, Dave Hinson, Dick Metzgar, Bruce O’Connor, Jeanne O’Connor, Don Preece, Donna Presley, Tony Presley, Vic Robson, Dan Ross, Pom Sinnock, David Whitaker and Geri Whitaker.

TRAIL INFORMATION – The trails today were in basic good shape with a few blowdowns. This trail along the river has lots of exposed roots which require caution especially when wet. The hills are minimal for the most part except for a couple of climbs up and away from the river. Lots of very nice river views and the King Creek Falls is beautiful and very cooling.

Today’s hiking distance – 8 miles total. Difficulty – Moderate to easy.

Directions: From Walhalla, take SC 28 north to SC 107. Turn right onto SC 107 and follow for 17 miles to Forest Service road 708 (Burrells Ford Road). Travel about 2 miles or so down this gravel road and park in the campground parking lot .

Another great day for a hike! Partly cloudy and mild. Temperatures ranged from 70 degrees to 77 degrees.

FLOWERS IN BLOOM: Yellow Fringed Orchid, Cranefly Orchid, False Foxglove, Joe Pye Weed, Narrow-leafed Sunflower, Yellow Coneflower, Evening Primrose, St. Andrew’s Cross, Spotted Jewelweed, Goldenrod, Yellowroot, Begger’s Lice, Wild Potato Vine, White Snakeroot, White Woods Aster, Featherbells, Tall Lobelia, Hawkweed, Horse Balm, Alumroot and Cow Parsnips.

BIRDS IDENTIFIED: Belted Kingfisher, Pileated Woodpecker, Chipping Sparrow, Red Eyed Vireo, White Breasted Nuthatch, Veery.

Getting ready at the Burrells Ford Parking lot.
A very peaceful section of the Chattooga River.
Morning view up the river!
Indian Cucumber Root.
Crossing a creek on a footbridge.
This noisy portion of the river reminds us that The Chattooga is part
of “The National Wild and Scenic Rivers System.”
Lunchtime on the river!
Walking along the edge of the river.
On the way back, we took the side trail to King Creek Falls.
Beautiful King Creek Falls.
Some of today’s wildflowers (top left then clockwise) Tall Lobelia,
White Wood Aster, Wild Hydrangea, Yellow Fringed Orchid.
Fungi of the week!

The OFHC gang for today’s hike. (l-r kneeling) Dave Hinson, Donna Presley, David Whitaker, Geri Whitaker, Bruce O’Connor and Tony Presley (l-r standing) Dan Ross, Karen Brown, Dick Metzgar, Pam Euliss, June Bellamy, John Bellamy, Pom Sinnock, Greta Driggers, Don Preece, Jeanne O’Connor, Jim Driggers, Vic Robson and Phil Brownrigg.