9/15/09 Walhalla Fish Hatchery to Ellicott Rock SC/NC

East Fork Trail – Fish Hatchery to Ellicott Rock – September 15, 2009

Today, we hiked the East Fork Trail from the Walhalla State Fish Hatchery in SC to the Chattooga River Trail and on up to Ellicott Rock. Total distance of 8.6 miles.

HIKERS – John Bellamy, June Bellamy, Phil Browmrigg, Pam Euliss, Greta Driggers, Jim Driggers, Bruce O’Connor, George Otis, Don Preece, Donna Presley, Tony Presley, Vic Robson, Dan Ross, Pom Sinnock, Bob Thompson, David Whitaker and Geri Whitaker.

TRAIL INFORMATION – TRAIL INFO. – The trail has two sections. First from the Fish Hatchery on the East Fork Chattooga River to the main Chattooga River (2.5 miles) then to Ellicott Rock and NC State line (1.8 miles). Both sections are in fair shape with a few bad tree blowdowns and some treacherous footing. It is a very nice hike along the upper reaches of the Chattooga River to a historical survey mark. Actually there are two marked rocks about 15 feet apart. One is called Commissioner’s rock and the other is called Ellicott Rock. It is actually the top right tip on the GA map where the three state lines intersect. NC/GA/SC. We also toured the SC State Fish Hatchery which produces trout for stocking mountain streams.

Today’s hiking distance – 8.6 miles

Directions: Directions: From Walhalla, take SC 28 N to SC 107. Continue on SC 107 approximately 13 miles. Look for the Walhalla Hatchery sign and turn left on the Hatchery road. The Hatchery is located 2 miles down the hill at the end of the road.

Another great day for a hike! Cloudy, mild with a steady rain for the second half of the hike. Temperatures remained in the upper 60’s degrees F for the day.

FLOWERS IN BLOOM: Lady’s Thumb, White Snakeroot, White Woods Aster, Bushy Aster, Blue Aster, Heart-leafed Aster, Goldenrod, Golden Glo Sunflower, Woodland Sunflower, Indian Plantain, Tall Lobelia, Yellowroot, Horse Balm, Turtlehead, Spotted Jewelweed and Evening Primrose.

BIRDS IDENTIFIED: Crow, Pine Warbler, Blue Jay, Titmouse, King Fisher, Oven Bird, Nuthatch, Carolina Chickadee, PeeWee, Pileated Woodpecker

YouTube Video from today’s hike!

The starting point for today’s hike. The Walhalla State Fish Hatchery on the East Fork Trail.
Crossing the foot-bridge near the trailhead.
The East Fork of the Chattooga River.
The massive rock cliff along the edge of the East Fork Trail.
We walked out onto the East Fork bridge to get a view up and down the river.
Looking up the East Fork Chattooga River.
Trail mile markers at the junction of the East Fork with the main Chattooga River.
“Hearts-a-Burstin” or American Euonymus.
A beautiful calm spot on the Chattooga.
Now we view the river in the rain!
Fungi of the week!
Some of today’s wildflowers (top left then clockwise) Blue Wood Aster, Golden Glo,
White Wood Aster, Goldenrod.
Large trout at the fish hatchery!
Our lunch spot for the day – The picnic shelter at the Fish Hatchery.
The OFHC gang for today’s hike. (l-r sitting) Pam Euliss, Donna Presley, Tony Presley, Pom Sinnock, Bruce O’Connor, Geri Whitaker, David Whitaker and Vic Robson. (l-r standing) Bob Thompson, George Otis, June Bellamy, John Bellamy, Dan Ross, Don Preece, Phil Brownrigg, Jim Driggers and Greta Driggers.