8/16/2011 Appalachian Trail – Woody Gap – Gooch Gap – GA

The Appalachian Trail – Woody Gap – Gooch Gap – GA

August 16, 2011

Today’s hike was on the Appalachian Trail from Woody Gap to Gooch Gap. Our hiking distance today was 7 miles round trip.

HIKERS – Phil Brownrigg, Dave Hinson, Bill Hunt, Jack Jacobi, Mike Jones, Jeanne O’Connor, Don Preece, Vic Robson, Lynne Saporito, Rachael Saporito, Carole Wintle and Jack Wintle.

TRAIL INFO. – This portion of the Appalachian Trail is in excellent shape and features plenty of hills and rock cliffs and beautiful mountain views.

Directions: Take Hwy. 129 N from Cleveland, GA for about 15 mi. then turn left at Turner’s Corner and travel several miles to Hwy 60 (rock pile) turn right and drive to the top of the mountain to the A.T. crossing at Woody Gap. Park on the left and hike southward.

Another great day for a hike! Mostly sunny and mild with temperatures ranging from the mid 60’s to mid 70’s F.

Hiking distance – 7 miles

Difficulty – Moderately difficult with lots of elevation change.

WILDFLOWERS IN BLOOM: Spotted Jewel Weed, Joe Pye, Mt. Mint, Heal All, White Snakeroot, Flowering Spurge, Typical tall August pink Phlox, Hog-Peanut, Starry Campion, False Foxglove, Canada Goldenrod, White Wood Aster, Black-eyed Susan, Blue Lobelia, Southern Harebell, Butterfly Weed, Evening Primrose, Rattlesnake Plantain, Whorled-leaf Coreopsis, and Wood Tickseed.

BIRDS IDENTIFIED: Pileated Woodpecker, Pine Warbler, White-breasted Nuthatch, Red-eyed Vireo and Carolina Wren.

Our starting point for today.
This hike features many nice mountain views!
Tickseed Coreopsis.
Trail marker near the start.
Another great day for a hike on the Appalachian Trail!
North Georgia Mountains!
White Wood Asters
We arrive at Gooch Gap.
Lots of boulders along this portion of the A.T.
Phlox divaricata
Another nice view!
The OFHC gang for today’s hike. (l-r seated) Jeanne O’Connor, Lynne Saporito, Rachael Saporito, Jack Jacobi and Carole Wintle. (l-r standing) Vic Robson, Bill Hunt, Mike Jones, Don Preece, Phil Brownrigg, Jack Wintle and Dave Hinson.