3/20/2012 Appalachian Trail- Woody Gap – Gooch Gap – GA

Appalachian Trail – Woody Gap to Gooch Gap, GA

March 20, 2012

Today’s hike was on the Appalachian Trail in Georgia from Woody Gap to Gooch Gap and back. Total hike – 7 miles.

HIKERS – John Bellamy, June Bellamy, Karen Brown, Dave Hinson, Jack Jacobi, Dick Metzgar, Jeanne O’Connor, Don Preece, Donna Presley, Tony Presley, Terry Pricket, Vic Robson, Dan Ross, Lynne Saporito, Pom Sinnock, David Whitaker, Geri Whitaker, Carole Wintle and Jack Wintle.

TRAIL INFO. – This portion of the Appalachian Trail has great mountain views all along the trail. The hills and rocky terrain are typical of the Georgia portion of the A.T. Today was probably a record day for meeting thru-hikers on their way to Maine. We met hikers from Australia, Germany, England and Honduras and many different U.S. states including Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, North and South Caroliina, Kentucky, Indiana, Virginia, Maine, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Massachusetts.

Directions: Take Hwy. 129 N from Cleveland, GA for about 15 mi. then turn left at Turner’s Corner and travel several miles to Hwy 60 (rock pile) turn right and drive to the top of the mountain to the A.T. crossing at Woody Gap. Park on the left and hike southward.

Another great day for a hike! Partly cloudy and mild with temperatures ranging from 60 to 76 degrees F.

Distance hiked – 7 miles.

FLOWERS IN BLOOM: Hooked Buttercup, Tall Buttercup, Purple Violet, Purple Toadshade Trillium, Yellow Toadshade Trillium, Mouse-eared Chickweed, Star Chickweed, Bluet, Pussytoes , Yellow Round-leafed Violet, and Bloodroot.

BIRDS IDENTIFIED: Black-and-white Warbler, White Breasted Nuthatch, Tufted Titmouse, Pileated Woodpecker, American Crow, Red-eyed Vireo and Turkey Vulture.

Our starting point for today’s hike.
Trail marker at the start
Headed to Gooch Gap we meet lots of thru-hikers.
We are early into the wildflower season and Bloodroots were everywhere!
We met this young group of Ohio Thru-Hikers.
Awesome views from start to finish!
Typical rocks and boulders along the A.T.
Another abundant wildflower was Purple Toadshade Trillium.
We enjoyed chatting with thru-hikers along the way.
These thru-hikers found a beautiful place to take a break.
Another great day for a hike on the Appalachian Trail.
Lunchtime at Gooch Gap!
Back at Woody Gap, we met a biker who takes his beagle “Lily” for rides.
He says she pouts if he leaves home without her. She wears a safety harness.
The OFHC gang for today’s hike! (l-r front) David Whitaker, “Nugget”, Dan Ross, Dave Hinson, Donna Presley, Geri Whitaker and “Gabby”. (l-r standing) Jeanne O’Connor, Karen Brown, June Bellamy, Jack Jacobi, John Bellamy, Pom Sinnock, Dick Metzgar, Carole Wintle, Jack Wintle, Vic Robson, Terry Pricket, “Angus”, Lynne Saporito, Don Preece and Tony Presley.