7/17/2012 Appalachian Trail – Standing Indian Mt. NC

Appalachian Trail – Deep Gap to Standing Indian Mountain, NC

July 17, 2012

This week’s hike was on the Appalachian Trail in NC from Deep Gap to the Summit of Standing Indian Mountain (5,498 ft).

HIKERS – John Bellamy, June Bellamy, Jack Jacobi, Dick Metzgar, George Otis, Donna Presley, Tony Presley, Vic Robson and Carole Wintle.

TRAIL INFO. – This portion of the A.T. is nice for a summertime hike. Only 5.25 miles round trip and the air is always a bit cooler here along with great views at the summit of Standing Indian. Today, we were surprised by two storms after starting out in sunshine. Near the summit of Standing Indian, we had a brief thunderstorm with rain and pea-sized hail. Then it started clearing some and we continued to the summit. Then on our return trip, we had another substantial rain storm in the last mile of the hike. No one melted!

Total hiking distance today – 5.25 miles with a large elevation gain.

Directions: From Franklin, NC, go West on US64 14 miles (from the overpass where US23 turns South toward Atlanta) to FS71 Deep Gap Rd. It is the first road to the left past the County Line sign (Clay County). Drive approximately 5.8 miles on this gravel road (FS 71) to the end of the road – Deep Gap parking lot.

Another great day for a hike! Partly Cloudy to cloudy with two storms including some small hail pellets. Temperature in the low to mid 70’s.

FLOWERS IN BLOOM: False Foxglove (Geradia), Horse Balm, Stinging Nettle, Starry Campion, Rosebay Rhododendron, Tall Bluet, Indian Pipes, Turk’s Cap Lily, Whorled Loosestrife, Bush Honeysuckle, Red Bee Balm, White Bergamot, Phlox, Black-eyed Susan, Spiderwort, Yellow Wood Sorrell, Evening Primrose, Purple Raspberry Peruvian Daisy, Black Cohosh, Fire Pink, Heal-all, Coreopsis and Daisy Fleabane.

BIRDS IDENTIFIED: Crow, Red-Eyed Vireo, Yellow Throated Vireo, Nuthatch, Pine Warbler, Junco, Towhee.


Getting ready at Deep Gap.
Sign at the start. Not sure what the 377 means. This is 83.3 miles from Springer Mt. start of the A.T.
A beautiful morning so far!
We enter the wilderness area here.
Mushroom of the week!
The Standing Indian Shelter is about a mile from Deep Gap.
Some of the Rosebay Rhododendrons are still blooming.
As we get closer to the summit of Standing Indian, we were surprised
by a brief but vigorousstorm with thunder and pea-sized hail! see video
After the storm, we arrive at the summit of Standing Indian Mountain. Elevation 5,498 feet
Very nice views from the summit!
Even with the clouds, we can view several layers of mountains!
Lots of summertime wildflowers! Here we have Wild Blue Phlox (Phlox divaricata).
The OFHC gang for today’s hike! (l-r) John Bellamy, June Bellamy, Jack Jacobi, Donna Presley, George Otis, Dick Metzgar, Vic Robson, Carole Wintle and Tony Presley.

See below for video and more photos!