8/6/2013 Whiteside Mt. Trail and Chinquapin Mt. Trail – NC

Whiteside Mountain Trail – Chinquapin Mountain Trail – NC

August 6, 2013

This week’s hike was on two trails near Highlands, NC. The Whiteside Mountain Trail and the Chinquapin Mountain Trail.

HIKERS – Wayne Barios, Pam Euliss, Stephen Gales, Bill Hunt, Dick Metzgar, Wanda Miller, Wayne Miller, Don Preece, Vic Robson, Pom Sinnock, Marvin Tabor, Geri Whitaker and Carole Wintle.

TRAIL INFO. – The Whiteside Mountain Trail is a 2 mile loop located between Highlands and Cashiers, NC that takes the hiker up to the summit of Whiteside Mt. across the rim of awesome rock cliffs where Peregrine Falcons nest each spring. Views are breathtaking! The Chinquapin Mountain Trail is a 3.25 mile loop trail that climbs the mountain to a series of nice lookoffs into the mountains on the western side of Highlands. Total hiking distance today – 5.25 miles with a large elevation changesa.

Directions: For Whiteside Mt. From the Dillard Highway 106 drive to the intersection of Highway 64 in downtown Highlands, turn right and continue thru town to the traffic light where 64 turns left toward Cashiers. Travel toward Cashiers on US 64 for 5.5 miles to the Whiteside Mountain Road sign turn right on paved road NC 1600 and go .6 mile and turn left into the parking lot. The Chinquapin Mountain Trail starts at the Glenn Falls parking lot located off of Highway 106 (the Dillard Highway) about 3 miles south of Highlands, NC. Look for the sign to Glen Falls.

Another great day for a hike! Partly Cloudy very humid with temperatures ranging from 67 – 74 degrees F.

FLOWERS IN BLOOM: Rosebay Rhododendron, Indian Pipes, Turk’s Cap Lily, White Bee Balm, Purple Thistle, Southern Harebells, Starry Campion, Smooth Hedge Nettle (Stachys), Lance-leaved Coreopsis, St. John’s Wort, White Yarrow, Phlox, Rattlesnake Plantain Orchid, Mountain Mint, Wild Hydrangea, Spiderwort and White Wood Aster.


OTHER FAUNA – Black Bear and Grey Squirrel

The views on Whiteside were a bit foggy but still awesome!
Peregrine Falcons nest in the cliffs.
Always lots of wildflowers on this trail! Lance-leaved Coreopsis
Awesome NC mountains!
At the summit of Whiteside Mt.
Along the rim there are nice educational signs.
Beautiful Turk’s Cap Lilies!
Devil’s Courthouse is on a short un-marked side trail.
Next, we moved to the west side of Highlands, NC for the Chinquapin Mt. Trail.
This nice trail has several creek crossings.
Lunchtime on Chinquapin Mt.!
One of many nice views along the rim of Chinquapin Mt.!
Fungus of the Week!
The OFHC gang for today’s hike! (l-r) Marvin Tabor, Geri Whitaker, Wayne Barios, Pom Sinnock, Pam Euliss, Wayne Miller, Don Preece, Wanda Miller, Carole Wintle, Vic Robson, Bill Hunt, “Cotton – the Trail dog” Stephen Gales and Dick Metzgar.

Click below for many more photos from this hike!