6/3/2014 Yonah Mountain Trail – White County, GA

Yonah Mountain Trail Hike – White County, GA

June 3, 2014

Today, we hiked the Yonah Mountain Trail in White County near Cleveland, GA. The trail features a strenuous climb to the summit of Yonah Mountain’s massive rock cliffs that are popular with rock climbers and rapellers.

HIKERS: Phil Brownrigg, Greta Driggers, Jim Driggers, Pam Euliss, Kathy Hall, David Hinson, Jack Jacobi, Mike Jones, Jeanne O’Connor, Terry Pickett, Don Preece, Tony Presley, Pom Sinnock .

TRAIL INFO. – The Yonah Mountain Trail is a short but strenuous hike from the base to the summit of this beautiful rock-faced mountain. The rock cliffs are amazing and are frequently used for training by the U.S. Army Rangers. The side trails take you out to the edge of these cliffs where you find numerous rapelling hooks anchored in the rocks with hundreds of feet of sheer drop below. The views are breath-taking! Distance hiked – around 5 miles.

Directions: To reach the trailhead, take Hwy 75 north from Cleveland, GA towards Helen. Turn right on Tom Bell Rd at the Western Sizzlin Steakhouse. Then take an immediate left on Chambers Rd. looking for the second gravel road on your left. You will see the parking lot with kiosk and restrooms.

Another great day for a hike! Partly cloudy with temperatures ranging from 68 to 76 degrees F.

WILDFLOWERS IN BLOOM: large bluet, golden ragwort , jack-in-the-pulpit, crown vetch, common milkwed, butterfly weed, yarrow, rattlesnake weed, hawk weed, spiderwort, mountain hydrangea, elderberry, small leaf rhododendron, mountain laurel, tulip poplar, Vasey’s trillium, daisy fleabane, lance-leaved tickseed (coreopsis), flame azalea, firepink, black cohosh, galax.

BIRDS IDENTIFIED: Pine Warbler, black and white warbler, blue-headed vireo, red-eyed vireo, goldfinch, American crow, ovenbird, parula, dark-eyed junco, cardinal.

OTHER FAUNA: Black Rat Snake

Parking at the Yonah Mt. Trail parking lot.
Lots of huge boulders along the trail.
We shared the trail with a large group of Army Rangers in training.
The boulders are amazing!
We saw lots of Spiderwort blooming along the trail.
We also shared the trail with a large Black Rat Snake!
A group of Army Rangers in training.
A portion of the trail is on a mountain access road.
We explore some of the rock cliffs.
The views from the cliffs are great!
The Rangers were using several of the rock faces for training, so we stayed out of their way.
Another nice view including an Army chopper.
Lunchtime at Yonah Mountain!
The OFHC gang for today’s hike. (l-r) Mike Jones and “Barney”, Terry Pickett, Don Preece, Kathy Hall, Phil Brownrigg, “Angus”, Don Preece, Jeanne O’Connor, Jim Driggers, Gretta Driggers, Gail Wilson, Jack Jacobi, Pam Euliss, David Hinson and Tony Presley.