3/24/2015 Appalachian Trail Dick’s Creek Gap – GA

Appalachian Trail – Dick’s Creek Gap to Deep Gap Shelter – Rabun Co., GA

March 24, 2015

Today, we hiked the Appalachian Trail southward from Dicks Creek Gap to the Deep Gap shelter and back. We met 21 thru-hikers on their way to Maine. The following states were represented – Texas, Minnesota, North Carolina, New York, Arkansas Vermont,Tennessee, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Arizona, New Hampshire, Virginia, Georgia, Massachusetts, and South Carolina.

HIKERS: Geri Barrios, Wayne Barrios, Suzanne Belflower, Karen Brown, Joe Collins, Pam Euliss, Tim Hale, Bob Magee, Dick Metzgar, Jeanne O’Connor, Tony Presley, Vic Robson, Jack Wintle and Carole Wintle.

TRAIL INFO. – This portion of the Appalachian Trail is in excellent shape and offers very nice mountain views along the way. The terrain is very mountainous and the most difficult hills are on the way out to Deep Gap. The return is more downhill than up. Over-all difficulty rating is strenuous.

Total round trip hiking distance today – 8 miles – Strenuous due to lots of elevation change.

DIRECTIONS: Dicks Creek Gap is on Highway 76 between Hiawassee and Clayton, GA. 10 mi east of Hiawassee or 18 miles west of Clayton.

Another great day for a hike! Fair with temperatures ranging from 52 to 64 degrees F.

WILDFLOWERS IN BLOOM: Purple violet and Chickweed.

BIRDS IDENTIFIED: Cardinal, White-breasted Nuthatch and Pileated Woodpecker, Carolina Wren, Junco, Towhee, Tufted Titmouse.

Rock marker for our trailhead today.
Headed up the first mountain of the day!
Fungus of the week!
If you do this hike, do not pass up this short side trail to the mountain vista!
View from the vista
Lunchtime at the Deep Gap Shelter!
A beautiful sight for thru-hikers after a strenuous day of hiking!
21 thru-hikers today! All were doing well and most were smiling!

Another view from the vista – !
The lake in the valley is Lake Burton.
The OFHC gang for today’s hike. (l-r) Vic Robson, Tony Presley, Karen Brown, Dick Metzgar, Tim Hale, Wayne Barrios, Geri Barrios, Bob Magee, Joe Collins, Jack Wintle, Carole Wintle, Pam Euliss, Suzanne Belflower and Jeanne O’Connor.