8/25/2015 Vogel State Park Trails – GA

Vogel State Park Trails, GA

August 25, 2015

Today’s hike was on three trails at Vogel State Park, GA. First was the Trahlyta Lake Loop including beautiful Trahlyta Falls. Next was the Bear Hair Trail which includes a 3.5 mile loop with an overlook down to Vogel State Park. Finally, we hiked the Byron Herbert Reece Nature Trail loop. Total distance around 6.5 miles. Moderately strenuous due to elevation changes.

HIKERS: Suzanne Belflower, John Bellamy, June Bellamy, Phil Brownrigg, Joe Collins, Pam Euliss, Tim Hale, Ronnie Johns, Bob Magee, Jeanne O’Connor, Tony Presley and Vic Robson. .

TRAIL INFO. – Vogel State Park is a great place to visit, camp, hike, fish, paddle boats, kayak, four hiking trails, waterfall and more. The lake loop is beautiful with great mountains in the background and a spectaculr waterfall below the lake. The Bear Hair Trail is a beautiful mountain loop with nice views especially after the leaves fall. The Reece Nature Trail is a very nice nongame nature trail.

DIRECTIONS: Vogel State Park is located 22 miles north of Cleveland, GA on Highway 129. Or 11 miles south of Blairsville, GA.

Another great day for a hike! Sunny and cool with temperatures ranging from 59 to 70 degrees F.

WILDFLOWERS IN BLOOM: Mountain Mint, White Snakeroot, Horse Balm, Spotted Jewellweed, Coreopsis, Golden Aster, Southern Harebells, Beggar Lice, Wood Aster, Bushy Aster, Goldenrod, Joe Pye Weed, Hog Peanut, Blue Lobelia.

BIRDS IDENTIFIED: Mallard Duck, Blue Jay, Junco, Chickadee, Nuthatch, Cardinal, Vireo, Crow.

The welcome center for Vogel State Park.
Our first trail today
Trahlyta Lake
A short side trail leads down to the beautiful falls.
Approaching the falls
Words for the wise!
Mushrooms of the week!
Beautiful Trahlyta Falls
Jewelweed ( Impatiens capensis)
We continue the loop around the lake.

Now we begin the Bear Hair Trail.
A side trail leads us to an overlook high above Vogel.
On the downward side of the loop trail we pass through a huge boulder field.
The OFHC gang for today’s hike. (l-r) Bob Magee, Vic Robson, Jeanne O’Connor, June Bellamy, John Bellamy, Pam Euliss, Phil Brownrigg, Joe Collins, Ronnie Johns, Tim Hale, Suzanne Belflower and Tony Presley,.