9/8/2015 Appalachian Trail Hogpen Gap – Wolf Laurel Top

Appalachian Trail, GA from Hogpen Gap to Cowrock Mountain and Wolf Laurel Top

September 8, 2015

Today’s hike was on the Appalachian Trail in Union County GA . We hiked from Hogpen Gap to Cowrock Mountain then to Wolf Laurel Top and back. Total of 6.3 miles

HIKERS: Suzanne Belflower, John Bellamy, June Bellamy, Carolyn Clarke, Joe Collins, Greta Driggers, Jim Driggers, Ronnie Johns, Bob Magee, Tony Presley, Vic Robson and Carolyn Wright.

TRAIL INFORMATION – This section of the A.T. always offers breathtaking views from Cow Rock Mountain and Wolf Laurel Top. The very best views are on a side trail to the back side of Cow Rock to a large rock lookoff. The first part of the hike takes you up a steep climb over Wildcat Mountain over to Tesnatee Gap then another climb up to Cow Rock then a less challenging walk over to Wolf Laurel Top.

We rate the hike strenuous due to elevation changes but the views make it more than worth the effort. If you prefer, on the return trip you can walk up the highway to Hogpen when you get back to Tesnatee Gap to avoid the long climb back over Wildcat Mountain.

Directions: Take GA 75 north from Helen for 1.5 miles. Turn left onto GA 356(75 Alternate) and travel 2.3 miles to the Richard B. Russell Scenic Highway (GA 348). Turn right and travel about 9 miles to Hogpen Gap. The parking lot is on the right.

Another great day for a hike! Mostly to partly cloudy, windy and mild with temperatures ranging from 68 to 74 degrees F. Hiking distance – 6.3 miles.

WILDFLOWERS IN BLOOM: Ox-eye Daisy, Red Clover, Beggar Lice, Coreopsis, Asters, Woodland Sunflower, Joe Pye Weed, Spotted Jewelweed, Pale Jewelweed, Phlox, Ladies Thumb, Mountain Mint, Southern Harebells, Goldenrod, Starry Campion, Spiderwort, Asiatic Dayflower, Black-eyed Susan, Gerardia, Evening Primrose, Angelica, Blue Lobelia, Flowering Spurge, Hawkweed.

BIRDS IDENTIFIED: Cardinal, Goldfinch, Black-and-white Warbler, Tufted Titmouse, Carolina Wren, Carolina Chickadee, Pileated Woodpecker, American Crow and Junco.

OTHER FAUNA: A large Timber Rattlesnake with 12 rattles and a button.

Parking at Hogpen Gap on Highway (GA 348).
Trail sign near the start.
Someone must have had extra time to kill.
Fungus of the week!
After hiking up and over Wildcat Mountain, we arrive at Tessnatee Gap.
Headed up the .9 mile climb to the summit of Cowrock Mt.
We enjoy awesome views from Cow Rock!
Great photo-ops!
Even with clouds, the views are great!
Great late summer wildflowers! Blue Lobelia

A beautiful hike from Cowrock over to Wolf Laurel Top!
We met a large Timber Rattler for the second week in a row.
12 rattles and a button! Always watch where you put your feet!
Lunchtime at Wolf Laurel Top
The OFHC gang for today’s hike. (l-r front)Jim Driggers, June Bellamy, John Bellamy, Tony Presley, Ronnie Johns, Joe Collins, Bob Magee, Greta Driggers, Vic Robson and Suzanne Belflower.