11/3/2015 Yellow Branch Trail – Stumphouse Tunnel – Blueridge Railroad Trail – SC

Hikingsouth Hike of the Week

Yellow Branch Falls Trail, Stumphouse Tunnel, Issaqueena Falls, Blueridge Railroad Trail

November 3, 2015

Today’s hike was near Walhalla, SC at Yellow Branch Falls Trail followed by nearby Stumphouse Tunnel Park and Issaqueena Falls and the Blueridge Railroad Trail..

HIKERS – Mike Bell, Jenny Bell, John Bellamy, June Bellamy, Phil Brownrigg, Joe Collins, Greta Driggers, Bob Magee, Dick Metzgar, Tony Presley, Vic Robson and Sandy Robson.

TRAIL INFORMATION – Our first trail today was Yellow Branch Falls Trail. Unfortunately, we had to cut the hike short because of recent heavy rainfall had the creeks overflowing and the trail was impassable without wading deep water. Next, we hiked at nearby Stumphouse Tunnel Park. We walked in the tunnel and then down to Issaqueena Falls and finally the Blueridge Railroad Trail.

We rate the hike mostly easy but very beautiful! If you do all of the trails you will have around 5 or 6 miles.

Directions: From Walhalla SC, take Hwy. 28 north for about 7 miles and look for the Yellow Branch Falls sign and turn left into the parking lot. Stumphouse Park is across the highway just beyond the Yellow Branch Sign turn right.

Another great day for a hike! Cloudy and a light mist and cool with temperatures ranging from 55-60 degrees F.

BIRDS IDENTIFIED: White-breasted Nuthatch, Crow, Blue Jay.

Parking at the Yellow Branch Falls Trail parking area.
At the trailhead
Headed down the Yellow Branch Trail.
Problem! The creek crossing was flooded so we had to turn around and head back.
Next, we move over to the Stumphouse Tunnel Park.
Historical signs at the tunnel.
Approaching Stumphouse Tunnel
The tunnel is dark and damp! Don’t forget to bring a good flashlight!
This is the room that Clemson University Ag Dept. added for the
aging of Blue Cheese in the ideal conditions of the tunnel.
We walk from the tunnel down to Issaqueena Falls!
Beautiful Issaqueena Falls!
Next, we hike on the Blueridge Railroad Trail to the Middle Tunnel.
The openiing of this tunnel is mostly filled in and a
gate was placed in the enrtance to protect the Bat habitat.
Back at Stumphouse Park, we have lunch in the picnic shelter.
The OFHC gang for today’s hike. (l-r) Phil Brownrigg, Vic Robson, Sandy Robson, Mike Bell, June Bellamy, Dick Metzgar, Jenny Bell, Greta Driggers, Bob Magee, Joe Collins, John Bellamy and Tony Presley .