2/16/2016 Appalachian Trail – Woody Gap – Gooch Gap – GA

Hikingsouth Hike of the Week

Appalachian Trail Woody Gap – Gooch Gap – GA

February 16, 2016

Today’s hike was on the Appalachian Trail from Woody Gap to Gooch Gap, GA and back.

HIKERS – Mike Bell, John Bellamy, Phil Brownrigg, Pam Euliss, Tim Hale, David Hinson, Jack Jacobi, Bob Magee, Dave Norton, Mary Lu Norton, Tony Presley, Vic Robson, Roger Roy, Carole Wintle and Jack Wintle.

TRAIL INFO. – This section of the A.T. is beautiful with lots of great mountain views. The terrain is very hilly as typical of the Georgia portion of the Appalachian Trail.We met nine thru-hikers today 18 miles into their 2,000 plus mile journey to Mt. Katahdin Maine.

Directions: Take Hwy. 129 N from Cleveland, GA for about 15 mi. then turn left at Turner’s Corner and travel several miles to Hwy 60 (rock pile) turn right and drive to the top of the mountain to the A.T. crossing at Woody Gap. Park on the left and hike southward.

Another great day for a hike! Fair to partly cloudy and a light breeze. Temperatures mostly in the upper 30’s to low 40’s F. Total distance – 7 mi. Moderately to mostly strenuous

FLOWERS IN BLOOM: none BIRDS IDENTIFIED: Raven, Carolina Chickadee, White-breasted Nuthatch, Downy Woodpecker, Robin, Carolina Wren, Tufted Titmouse and Turkey Vulture

Our trailhead today!
Another great day for a hike!
Marker near Woody Gap
Looking down into the valley near Woody Gap.
It is still wintertime!
Many breathtaking views!
It always a good idea to take a break every mile or so and
count heads and make sure everyone is accounted for!
You can see Atlanta if you squint your eyes!
Zoomed view
We arive at Gooch Gap.
Lunchtime at Gooch Gap!
We met 9 thru-hikers headed for Maine today. Only 18 miles into their hike, they all looked fresh!
The GA portion of the A.T. is very hilly and rocky.
The OFHC gang for today’s hike. (l-r) Carole Wintle, Jack Wintle, Jack Jacobi, Phil Brownrigg, Pam Euliss, David Hinson, Roger Roy, Tim Hale, Mary Lu Norton, Dave Norton, Vic Robson, Mike Bell, John Bellamhy, Bob Magee and Tony Presley.