3/15/2016 Appalachian Trail – Dicks Creek Gap to Deep Gap Shelter – GA

Hikingsouth Hike of the Week

Appalachian Trail Dicks Creek Gap – Deep Gap Shelter – GA

March 15, 2016

Today, we hiked the Appalachian Trail southward from Dicks Creek Gap to the Deep Gap shelter and back. We met 34 thru-hikers on their way to Maine. The following states and countries were represented – Texas, Minnesota, Wisconsin, New York, California, New Jersey , Virginia, Maine, Georgia, Massachusetts, Florida, South Carolina, Louisiana, Nova Scotia, Australia, Peru

HIKERS: Suzanne Belflower, Mike Bell, Karen Brown, Angela Evans, Stephen Gales and his dog Cotton”, Kanchan Garg and Vic Robson.

TRAIL INFO. – This portion of the Appalachian Trail is in excellent shape and offers very nice mountain views along the way. The terrain is very mountainous and the most difficult hills are on the way out to Deep Gap. The return is more downhill than up. Over-all difficulty rating is strenuous.

Total round trip hiking distance today 8.4 miles – Strenuous due to lots of elevation change.

DIRECTIONS: Dicks Creek Gap is on Highway 76 between Hiawassee and Clayton, GA. 10 mi east of Hiawassee or 18 miles west of Clayton.

Another great day for a hike! Very sunny with temperatures ranging from low 50s to mid-70 degrees F.


BIRDS IDENTIFIED: Carolina Wren, Junco, Vireo.

Parking at Dicks Creek Gap.
Trail sign near the start.
Headed up the first of many climbs!
The beautiful Appalachian Trail.
The trail cuts through a dense Rhododendron tunnel.
Sign for a side trail to a beautiful mountain vista.
View from the vista where you can see Lake Burton nestled in the mountain valley.
Gazing out into the mountains from the vista.
We finally make it to Deep Gap and take the side trail to the shelter.
We met these thru-hikers today around 65 miles into their hike to Maine!
States or countries represented by the hikers today: Texas, Minnesota, Wisconsin, New York, California, New Jersey , Virginia, Maine, Georgia, Massachusetts, Florida, South Carolina, Louisiana, Nova Scotia, Australia and Peru.
We met some of these same hikers last week back around the 14 mi mark of their journey.
The OFHC gang for today’s hike. (l-r) Mike Bell, Suzanne Belflower, Stephen Gales, “Cotton Tail”, Angela Evans, Karen Brown and Vic Robson.