4/5/2016 The Appalachian Trail – Cooper Gap to Hightower Gap – GA

Hikingsouth Hike of the Week

The Appalachian Trail – Cooper Gap to Hightower Gap – GA

April 5, 2016

Today’s hike was on the Appalachian Trail starting at Cooper Gap hiking to Hightower Gap and back. This strenuous portion of the A.T. took us to within 8 miles of the southern terminus of the 2,175 mile trail. Lots of Thru-Hikers from many areas of the US and world including, England, New Jersey, Maine, Colorado, Montana, Florida, South Carolina, Louisiana, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Georgia.

HIKERS – Vic Robson, Suzanne Belflower, Stephen Gales, Ray Clark, Mike Bell, Jenny Bell, Angela Evans, Trushna Nadig

TRAIL INFORMATION – A beautiful portion of the Appalachian Trail in Lumpkin County, GA. From Cooper Gap headed south on the trail you immediately climb over Sassafras Mountain and the trail rolls up and down until you get to the intersection of forest service roads 42 and 69 at Hightower Gap.

We rate the hike very strenuous due to lots of elevation changes and very rocky path in many sections.

Directions: Take Hwy. 129 N from Cleveland, GA for about 15 mi. then turn left at Turner’s Corner and travel several miles to Hwy 60 (rock pile) turn right and drive to the top of the mountain and continue past the A.T. crossing at Woody Gap. Going down the mountain to Suches (you will see the lake on your right) turn left onto Cooper Gap Road which becomes a gravel Forest Service Rd. 42 and continue approx. 8.5 miles to Cooper Gap (it is at the intersection of 3 forest service roads 42, 80 and 15).

Another great day for a hike! Partly Cloudy with temperatures ranging from the mid 40s to low 60’s degrees F. Hiking distance – 7.6 miles.

FLOWERS IN BLOOM: Bloodroot, Yellow Toadshade Trillium, Purple Toadshade Trillium, Star Chickweed, Columbine, Cut-leaf Toothwort, Mayapple and Rue Anemone.

BIRDS IDENTIFIED: Carolina Chickadee, Carolina Wren, Tufted Titmouse, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Pileated Woodpecker and Turkey Vulture.;

The Trailhead for today. Cooper Gap
Headed up the first mountain.
Horse Gap is at the 1.9 mile mark!
We met many thru-hikers all along the trail.
(photos of many more thru-hikers are posted at the bottom of this page)
Beautiful blue sky today!
Another one of Nature’s Marvels!
Each week we see more wildflowers waking up. Both Yellow and Purple Toadshade Trillium
Wild Columbine , just opening.
Coming down to the gap and headed up the next mountain!
Lunchtime overlooking Hightower Gap
Lunchtime view
The OFHC gang for today’s hike. (l-r) Vick Robson, Trushna Nadig, Suzanne Belflower, Mike Bell, Stephen Gales, Ray Clark, Angela Evans and Jenny Bell.