5/3/2016 Little Tennessee River Greenway Trail – Franklin, NC

Hikingsouth Hike of the Week

The Little Tennessee River Greenway Trail

May 3, 2016

Today’s hike was on the Little Tennessee River Greenway Trail in Franklin, NC.

HIKERS – John Anderson, Scott Arnold, Geri Barrios, Jenny Bell, Mike Bell, Phil Brownrigg, Ray Clark, Joe Collins, Kanchan Garg, Dave Hinson, Bill Hunt, Martha Hunt, Jack Jacobi, Mike Jones, Jeanne O’Connor, Tony Presley, Gerald Richardson, Sandy Robson, Vic Robson, Niko Smith, Sarah Smith, Marsha Tiesler.

TRAIL INFO. – This trail is a very pleasant walk along the Little Tennessee River in Franklin, NC. It is mostly asphalt with very nice features along the way. Benches, picnic tables, parks, great signage, very nice bridges that take you back and forth across the river. The terrain is mostly flat. From end to end it is 4 miles. We hiked the entire length from south to north and back for an 8.5 mile total including the access trail at the Macon County Public Library.

Directions: From the south in GA take highway 441 to Franklin, NC. Turn to the right just before the Highway 64 intersection onto Siler Rd. Continue along Siler and follow the signs to the Public Library. You will then walk down a gravel road to the Greenway Trail access.

Another great day for a hike! Partly cloudy and mild. Temperatures in the low 60’s F warming into the low 70’s. Total distance – 8.5 mi.

BLOOMING PLANTS: Stonecrop, Fire Pink, Crown Vetch, Multi-flora Rose, Daisy Fleabane, Golden Alexanders, Corn Salad, Blackberries, Black Cherry, Tulip Poplar, Fringe Tree, Lupines, Columbine, Phlox, Iris, and Dandelion.

BIRDS IDENTIFIED: Cardinals, Tree Swallows, House Wren, Turkey Vultures, American Crows, Rough-winged Swallows, Field Sparrows, Song Sparrows, Mockingbirds, Robins, Canada Geese, Mourning Doves and Rock Doves.

Parking at the Macon County Public Library – Franklin, NC.
The access trail to the Greenway Trail.
The beautiful Greenway Trail.
The Nonah Bridge
Looking up the river from the bridge
Most of the trail is along the edge of the river.
Crossing the river again on the Nickajack Bridge (relocated from the Cullasaja river community.)
The Historic Tallulah Falls Railroad ran from Cornelia, GA to Franklin, NC!
Canada Geese and their babies.
Great signage all along the trail.
Our youngest hiker! Niko Smith with granddad Gerald Richardson, mom Sarah Smith and Scott Arnold.
Beautiful Lupines!
Daisy Fleabane
The OFHC gang for today’s hike. (l-r)(front) Mike Bell, Mike Jones, “Barney”, (second row) Geri Barrios, Jenny Bell, Jeanne O’Connor, Kanchan Garg .(third row) David Hinson, Sandy Robson, Martha Hunt, Marsha Tiesler, Vic Robson. (back row) Bill Hunt, Jack Jacobi, Phil Brownrigg, Ray Clark, Joe Collins, John Bellamy, John Anderson. NOT PICTURED – Scott Arnold, Niko Smith, Sarah Smith, Gerald Richardson and Tony Presley.