9/13/2016 – Burrell’s Ford – Chattooga River Trail & Foothills Trail – SC

Hikingsouth Hike of the Week

The Chattooga River Trail & Foothills Trail- Burrell’s Ford – King Creek Falls – SC

September 13, 2016

Today’s hike was on the Chattooga River Trail and Foothills Trail In SC near the GA border from Burrell’s Ford southward toward the Big Bend area and back including a portion of the Foothills Trail and King Creek Falls.

HIKERS – John Anderson, John Bellamy, Joe Collins, Greta Driggers, Jim Driggers, Stephen Gales, Dick Metzgar, Bruce O’Connor, Jeanne O’Connor, Tony Presley and Vic Robson, .

TRAIL INFO. – The hike from Burrell’s Ford toward Big Bend follows closely along the Chattooga River and has rolling with some rocky terrain requiring careful footing. About three fourths of the way back, we took the right fork onto the Foothills Trail and visited beautiful King Creek Falls. Overall, a beautful hike with only moderate difficulty.

Directions: From the junction of SC 28 and SC 107, 8 miles northwest of the town of Walhalla, go north on SC 107 for 9 miles. Here turn left (west) onto Forest Road 708, Burrell’s Ford Road, and go 2 miles to the parking area near the Chatooga River.

Another great day for a hike! Mostly fair and warm. Temperatures ranged from 66 – 75 degrees F. Total distance – 5+ mi.

FLOWERS IN BLOOM: Golden Glow, Jewellweed, Goldenrod, Silverrod, Various Asters, Joe Pye Weed, Blue Lobelia, Hawk Weed, Ladies Thumb .

BIRDS IDENTIFIED: American Crow, Pileated Woodpecker, Cardinal, White-breasted Nuthatch, and Carolina Wren.

Getting ready at the parking lot.
Information board.
The trail follows the beautiful Chattooga River .
Great views all along the trail!
You can see the effects of high water with this tree atop the boulder!
Indian Cucumber Root showing its fall colors.
Always nice to walk out onto this huge rock face to get a closer look of the river.
American Euonymus – You can see why it is also called Hearts-a-burstin.
On the return trip, we take the right fork onto the Foothills Trail.
Next, we take the side trail up to spectacular King Creek Falls.
King Creek Falls – Loud and magnificent!
Beautiful with a cooling spray!
Nice group of hikers today!
The OFHC gang for today’s hike. (l-r) Tony Presley, Jim Driggers, Greta Driggers, John Bellamy, Dick Metzgar, Joe Collins, Jeanne O’Connor, Bruce O’Connor, Vic Robson and John Anderson. Stephen Gales in previous photo.