2/28/2017 – The Appalachian Trail – Indian Grave Gap to Tray Mountain, GA

Hikingsouth Hike of the Week

Appalachian Trail – Indian Grave Gap – Tray Mountain, GA

February 28, 2017

Today’s hike was on the Appalachian Trail from Indian Grave Gap to Tray Mountain, GA and back. Tray Mountain is the 2nd highest peak on the Georgia portion of the A.T. at 4,430 feet.

HIKERS – Jenny Bell, Mike Bell, Thomas Bowers, Ray Clark, Joe Collins, Angela Evans, Stephen Gales, Tim Hale, Whitney Hutchinson, Bob Magee, Beth McDonald, Dave Norton, Mary Lu Norton, Tony Presley and Vic Robson.

TRAIL INFO. – This section of the A.T. is beautiful with lots of great mountain views. The terrain is very hilly as typical of the Georgia portion of the Appalachian Trail. We met 4 thru-hikers today 56 miles into their 2,200 plus mile journey to Mt. Katahdin Maine.

Directions: Drive North from Helen, GA on Hwy 75 up the mountain past Unicoi Gap (A.T. crossing) and continue down the other side of the mountain and turn right onto Indian Grave Gap Rd. (F.S. Rd 283) and drive about 3.5 miles to the Indian Grave Gap parking lot.

Another great day for a hike! Mostly Cloudy and breezey. Temperatures mostly in the low to mid 50’s F. Total distance – 5.5 mi. mostly strenuous.


BIRDS IDENTIFIED: Pilieated Woodpecker, White-breasted Nuthatch, Carolina Wren, Crow and Junco.

Our starting point today at Indian Grave Gap.
Leaving Indian Grave Gap, the trail passes through lots of Mountain Laurel and Rhododendron with beautiful twisted trunks..
We pass by this old tree that looks like an old Indian trail marker tree.
We met this thru-hiker at the start today.
We have passed this old tree trunk for many years. Happy to see that it still stands!
It makes a nice picture frame!
This young man from Texas (formerly from Alaska) seemed to be doing well.
Here, we can see the summit of Tray Mt. about 1.5 miles away.
Arriving at Tray Gap.
From here at the gap, it is almost one mile up to the summit.
We met these two ladies from Wisconsin. They were not related. Small World!
We made it to the summit of Tray but it was fogged in with no views. Still a nice lunch spot!
Our path today
The OFHC gang for today’s hike. (l-r kneeling) Joe Collins, Mike Bell and Tony Presley. (l-r standing) Ray Clark, Beth McDonald, Angela Evans, Dave Norton, Mary Lu Norton, Tim Hale, Jenny Bell, Thomas Bowers, Whitney Hutchinson, Bob Magee, Vic Robson and Stephen Gales.

See the Video from the hike below!