6/27/2017 – Whiteside Mountain Trail & Glen Falls – NC

Hikingsouth Hike of the Week

The Whiteside Mountain Trail and Glen Falls Trail – NC.

June 27, 2017

HIKERS: John Anderson, Mike Bell, Jenny Bell, Phil Brownrigg, Ray Clark, Joe Collins, Renee Corbett, Greta Driggers, Jim Driggers, Angela Evans, Jenna Hensley, Bill Hunt, Kim Johnson, Gary King, Bob Magee, Beth McDonald, Dick Metzgar, Terre Pratt, Tony Presley, Vic Robson, Linda Schultz and Carole Wintle.

TRAIL INFO. – We traveled to Highlands, NC today and first hiked the Whiteside Mountain loop trail up and across the rim at the top of the breathtaking cliffs on Whiteside Mountain. Next, we hiked the Glen Falls Trail to two nice mountain waterfalls.

Total hiking distance today – About 4.3 miles with significant elevation change. We rate the hike difficulty as moderately strenuous.

Directions: For Whiteside Mt. From the Dillard Highway 106 drive to the intersection of Highway 64 in downtown Highlands, turn right and continue thru town to the traffic light where 64 turns left toward Cashiers. Travel toward Cashiers on US 64 for 5.5 miles to the Whiteside Mountain Road sign turn right on paved road NC 1600 and go .6 mile and turn left into the parking lot. The Glenn Falls Trail is located off of Highway 106 (the Dillard Highway) about 3 miles south of Highlands, NC. Look for the sign to Glen Falls.

Another great day for a hike! Sunny to partly cloudy with temperatures ranging from the low 60’s to the low 70’s F.

WILDFLOWERS IN BLOOM: Bush Honeysuckle, Rosebay Rhododendron, Carolina Rhododendron, Flame Azalea, White Yarrow, Leather Leaf Clematis, Pale Corydalis, Fire Pink, Galax, Spiderwort, Indian Pipes, Mountain Laurel, Milkweed, Saxifrage and Indian Cucumber Root, .

BIRDS IDENTIFIED: Junco, American Crow, Pileated Woodpecker, Carolina Wren, Nuthatch and Tufted Titmouse.

0THER FAUNA: 3 Non-venomous snakes.

Our first trail today.
Our first vista of the day.
Hiking across the rim of the mountain we get many great views.
Breathtaking views of the rock cliffs where Peregrine Falcons roost!
The highest point of Whiteside Mt. – 4,930 ft.
Leatherflower (Clematis viorna).
Spectacular Rock Face on a short side trail.
Our second trail of the day!
The beautiful upper falls.
The next falls is even more beautiful!
Three non-venemous snakes in the same area of the Glen Falls Trail!
Carolina Rhododendron.
Our GPS data for Glen Falls.
Our GPS data for Whiteside Mountain.
The OFHC gang for today’s hike (l-r kneeling) Dick Metzgar, Ray Clark, Bob Magee, Jenny Bell, Terre Pratt, Kim Johnson, Vic Robson, Beth McDonald, Gary King and Mike Bell.
(l-r standing) Tony Presley, Phil Brownrigg, Jim Driggers, Jenna Hensley, John Anderson, Joe Collins, Greta Driggers, Carole Wintle, Bill Hunt, Angela Evans, Renee Corbett and Linda Schultz.