3/27/2018 – Chattooga River Trail – Highway 28 Bridge to Licklog Creek Falls – GA

Hikingsouth Hike of the Week

The Chattooga River Trail – Highway 28 to Licklog Creek and Falls & Pigpen Falls – SC

March 27, 2018

Today’s hike was on the Chattooga River Trail starting on the SC side of the Highway 28 bridge on the border of GA/SC.

HIKERS – Mike Bell, Ray Clark, Joe Collins, Renee Corbett, Greta Driggers, Jim Driggers, Pam Euliss, Tim Hale, Jenna Hensley, Bill Hunt,Bob Magee, Dave Norton, Terre Pratt, Tony Presley, Vic Robson.

TRAIL INFO. – Parking on the SC side of Highway 28 bridge, we took the lower trail along the Chattooga River instead of the upper trail which veers away from the river. The two trails come back together after a couple of miles and continues on to Lick Log Creek which features two nice waterfalls. Licklog Falls and Pigpen Falls. The lower trail has lots of flat walking along the river. On the way back, some took the upper trail making it a loop hike. The total round trip hike today was 8.6 miles – moderate difficulty.

Directions: Directions: The Highway 28 (Russell) Bridge is located on SC highway 28 between Walhalla, SC and Highlands, NC. The Chattooga River is the border river of GA/SC. From Clayton, GA take Warwoman Road and drive to the intersection of Highway 28 and turn right and go to the SC side of the 28 bridge and the parking lot is on the left. Approx. 14-15 miles from Clayton.

Another great day for a hike! Cloudy and cool. Temperatures in the low 50’s F warming into the low 60’s. Total distance – 8.6 mi.

BLOOMING PLANTS: Bloodroot, Halberd Leaf Violet, Round Leaf Yellow Violet, Blue Violet, White Violet, Toadshade Trillium (red and yellow), Yellowroot.

BIRDS IDENTIFIED: Pileated Woodpecker, Junco Cardinal, Blue Jay, Tufted Titmouse, Black Capped Chickadee.

Scroll down for Video and photos

Parking area on the SC side of the Highway 28 Bridge.
Headed for Lick Log Creek and Falls.
Wildflower season has arrived! Red Toadshade Trillium.
The “Wild and Scenic” Chattooga River!
This section of the river has special fishing regulations during this season of the year.
Greg Corbett fly fished while we hiked.
Quite a few trees were down but the trail was passable
Beautiful Bloodroot was abundant.
There are lots of good camping spots along the river. This one has rock chairs!
We pass by Lick Log Falls , a large roaring two section falls!
The upper section of Lick Log falls.
About a quarter mile later we enjoy lunchtime at Pig Pen Falls
Our path today out and back.
Elevation profile and distance.
The OFHC gang for today’s hike (l-r) Tony Presley, Bill Hunt, Jenna Hensley, Pam Euliss, Greta Driggers, Mike Beill, Renee Corbett, Vic Robson, Terre Pratt, Tim Hale, Ray Clark, Dave Norton, Joe Collins, Jim Driggers and Bob Magee.

See Video from this hike below: