9/4/2018 – The Unicoi – Helen Trail – Helen, GA

Hikingsouth Hike of the Week

Unicoi – Helen Trail, Helen, GA

September4, 2018

Today’s hike was at Unicoi State Park near Helen, GA. Starting at Unicoi Lodge, we hiked the Unicoi/Helen Trail, Frog Pond and the Bottoms Loop Trail.

HIKERS – Ray Clark, Joe Collins, Greta Driggers, Jim Driggers, Ray Lovett, Trushna Nadig, Terre Pratt, Vic Robson, .

TRAIL INFORMATION – The trails at Unicoi are in excellent condition with good signage along the way. Much of the trail follows along beautiful Smith Creek with several nice footbridges along the trail. The difficulty rating is moderate with some hills but not extreme. Total hike today approx. 7 miles.

Directions: Just north of Helen, GA turn right onto Hwy 356 and drive past the lake and follow the signs to Unicoi Lodge on the right. Instead of starting at Unicoi Lodge, you can also choose to start in Helen at the City Park in Helen.

Another great day for a hike! Partly cloudy and warm with temperatures ranging in the low to upper 70’s F.

WILDFLOWERS IDENTIFIED: Goldenrod, Blue Lobelia, Cardinal Flower, Joe Pye Weed, Wild Goldenglow, Ladies Thumb, Wood Aster, Wild Potato Vine, Asiatic Day-Flower and Spotted Jewelweed.

Parking at Unicoi Lodge
Leaving the parking lot onto the Unicoi / Helen Trail.
Lots of nice footbridges along the trail
Beautiful Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis)
The trails are very well marked.
Another great day for a hike!
One of today’s trails.
Arriving at downtown Helen Park
Wild Potato Vine
Crossing over Lower Smith Creek
Fungus of the Week!
Blue Lobelia
Today’s lunch spot in downtown Helen – Chattahoochee River
The OFHC gang for today’s hike. (l-r) Ray Clark, Trushna Nadig, Terre Pratt, Greta Driggers, Joe Collins, Ray Lovett, Vic Robson and Jim Driggers.