06/07/2022 – Buckeye Creek Trail & Bartram Trail to Hickory Knoll Rd near Otto, NC

Date: 06/07/2022

Name: Buckeye Creek Trail & Bartram Trail to Hickory Knoll Rd near Otto, NC

Distance: 6.9

Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult

Total Climbing Elevation: 1558

Type: One-Way

Notes: It was another great day for a hike. It was a bit humid on our climb up the Buckeye Creek Trail (formerly the Bartram Trail) to meet the now rerouted Bartram Trail which leads southwestward to Hickory Knoll Rd. It is a steady climb for the first 2.7 miles to reach the "Old School Bus." This section of trail is a progressive mix of gravel road, old logging road and then forest trail. It seemed like the further north we went, the worst the trail became. The last quarter mile before reaching the intersection with the new Bartram Trail is overgrown, narrow, rocky and today, slippery from the rain the night before. This required careful footing to avoid falling. Once reaching the new Bartram Trail, it opened up for the most part showing regular maintenance. Yes, the Old School Bus is still there and still poises the question, how did it get there? We saw more wildflowers today than we expected although the consensus was poison ivy was the dominate plant species along much of the trail. However, we were surprised by the numerous examples of Fire Pink along the section of trail just prior to the school bus. We also encountered fauna on our hike starting with Jack Wintle spotting a pregnant deer crossing the road just behind us as we got started. Later we saw several Eastern Red-spotted Newts, a young Walking Stick and a Garter Snake. The short hop between the trailhead and finish made for a very good one-way hike. Show less

AllTrails Link: Buckeye Creek Trail & Bartram Trail to Hickory Knoll Rd near Otto, NC

Additional Search Terms: June