10/15/2020 – Park Creek & Park Ridge Trails Loop

Date: 10/15/2020

Name: Park Creek & Park Ridge Trails Loop

Distance: 6.3

Difficulty: Easy

Total Climbing Elevation: 663

Type: Loop

Notes: Just a great hike today on a loop around Bee Tree Knob and Pine Mountain starting from the Backcountry Information Center. Cloudy to partly cloudy skies, temperatures 50-65 degrees, leaves falling almost constantly in the frequent breezes, and the sound of Park Creek and Nantahala River. The trail was a bit wet in places from the 8+ inches of rain earlier in the week, but passible. Some hidden rocks under the leaf cover to watch for, right Dick? While not a lot of wildflowers, there were Gentian's seemingly everywhere. This hike is fairly easy with mostly gentle slopes, but there are a fair number of narrow paths on the hillside above Park Creek aggravated by the wet leaf cover so caution is well advised. Ray says this is great hike for the Spring with lots of wildflowers.

AllTrails Link: Park Creek & Park Ridge Trails Loop

Additional Search Terms: October