09/08/2020 – Stonewall Falls Mountain Bike Trail Loop

Date: 09/08/2020

Name: Stonewall Falls Mountain Bike Trail Loop

Distance: 5.3

Difficulty: Easy

Total Climbing Elevation: 574

Type: Loop

Notes: nother "great day for a hike!" Cool temperatures between 65-75 degrees. This was an easy hike with no extensive climbs and the trail was in very good condition except one short section with some wash-out. There are two water crossings with both having some rocks than one can use to step across the creek. However, the second one closer to Stonewall Falls is a bit difficult to step onto the first rocks and thus, some of our hikers decided to wade across a sandy section . . . cold water I understand. Not a lot of wildflowers today, but we did see a Black Snake on the side of the path as we headed back to the trailhead. Total length of the hike was between 4.9 miles by my Garmin and 5.2 miles reported by AllTrails although AllTrails officially says it is 4.0 miles. One could extend the hike a bit by hiking further up the trail before crossing Stonewall Creek at the northwest corner of the trail.

AllTrails Link: Stonewall Falls Mountain Bike Trail Loop

Additional Search Terms: September