5/20/03 Whitewater Falls – Foothills Tr.

Whitewater Falls – Foothills Trail -S.C. – N.C.


hikers – John Bellamy, Steve Jordan, Bob Presley, Tony Presley, Wayne Miller, Dan Ross, Doug Russell, David Whitaker

Trail access Sloan’s Bridge Parking Lot – SC Hwy. 107 north of Walhalla, SC. The hike from Sloan’s Bridge to Upper Whitewater Falls is a moderately difficult hike of 11 mi. round trip.

Another beautiful hiking day! Mostly cloudy – temperature ranged from 58-68 degrees F..

Wildflowers viewed – Trillium (Catesbys and Vasey’s) , Foam Flower, Golden Alexander,Solomon’s Seal & False Solomon’s Seal, Lizard’s Tail,Woodland Bluets, Goose Berries, Buck Berries, . Twisted Stalk, Cherokee Rose- among others.

Birds identified – Cooper’s Hawk, Bard Owl, Pileated Woodpecker, Oven Bird, Hooded Warbler, Black-throated Blue Warbler, Red-eyed Vireo, Summer Tanager, Indigo Bunting.

The sign at Sloan’s Bridge
We crossed the state line into N.C. between Soan’s Bridge and Whitewater Falls.
Whitewater River above the falls.
Recent trail improvements include benches about a mile or two from the falls.
Magnificent Whiterwater Falls!
Clear warning!
Our group at Whitewater Falls. (l-r) Tony Presley, David Whitaker, Wayne Miller, Bob Presley, Dan Ross, Doug Russell,
John Bellamy, and Steve Jordan.