5/27/03 Three Forks – Hightower Gap – A.T.

Three Forks – Hightower Gap- A.T. GA


hikers – John Bellamy, Jack Jacobi, Steve Jordan, Bob Presley, Wayne Miller, Dan Ross, Jack Slaton, David Whitaker

Trail access – Three Forks (approx. 4 miles from Springer Mtn.) by F.S. Road 58. The hike from Three Forks to Hightower Gap is approx. 8 mi. round trip including a short side trail to Long Creek Falls.

Another beautiful hiking day! Partly cloudy – temperature ranged from 58-65 degrees F..

Wildflowers viewed – Spiderwort, Maple leafed Viburnum, Rattle snake plaintain, Jack-in-pulpit, Oca, Foam flower, Flame azealea, Mountain laurel, pipsissawa, wild ginger, cow wheat, yellow root, Fire pink, Tall bluets, yellow star grass, galax- among others.

Fauna identified – 2 grey squirrels, Doe, American crow, red-eyed vireo, Solitary vireo, Tufted titmouse, Pileated woodpecker, Oven bird, Pine warbler, Hooded warbler, Carolina wren.

The Appalachian Trail intersects the Benton Mackaye trail here.
This large Poplar tree on the trail has a very large cavity!
Sort of looks like a man with blonde hair!
A short excursion off of the A.T. leads to Long Creek Falls.
Long Creek Falls!
Lunchtime at Hightower Gap!
Our group at Three Forks. (l-r) Dan Ross, Steve Jordan, Wayne Miller, John Bellamy, Jack Jacobi, Jack Slaton,
David Whitaker, (photo) Bob Presley.