6/24/03 Tray Mtn. from Andrews Cove- A.T.

Tray Mtn. from Andrews Cove – A.T.


hikers – John Bellamy, Terry Doyle, Jack Jacobi, Steve Jordan, Bob Magee, Bob Presley, Tony Presley,Dan Ross, Jack Slaton, David Whitaker

Trail access – Parked at Andrews Cove Campground north of Helen, GA. Hiked 2 miles up the Andrews Cove Trail to Indian Grave Gap on the Appalachian Trail and then on up to Tray Mountain. (9.8 mi. round trip)

Another beautiful hiking day! Clear – temperature ranged from 66-84 degrees F..

Wildflowers viewed – Hydrangea, Spirea, Fire Pink, Grey Beardtongue, Galax, Flame Azalea, Rhododendrun M., Mountain Laurel, Leather Flower, Tall Milkweed, Four-leafed Milkweed, Whorled Losestrife,Foam Flower, Tall Bluet, Spiderwort, Phlox, Cow Wheat, Columbine, Pipsissawa, Yellow Star Grass, Black Cohosh.- among others.

Fauna identified – Peregrine Falcons (4), Broad winged Hawk, Black Vulture, tufted titmouse, oven bird, pileated woodpecker, blue jay, red-eyed vireo, hooded warbler, pine warbler, crow, towhee, junco, white-breasted nuthatch

On our way to Tray Mountain!
Hazy day view from the summit of Tray.
View 2 from Tray.
We ran into Karen Hartnett and Debbie Yavorski who
were out for several days of hiking on the A.T. with dogs
Rocky (with Karen) and Sunee (center).
Rosebay Rhododendrons were blooming!
Flame azaleas were still blooming.
Our group at the top of Tray Mtn.
Front (l-r) Jack Slaton, David Whitaker, Bob Magee,
and Steve Jordan. Back (l-r) Jack Jacobi, Tony Presley,
Bob Presley, Terry Doyle, Dan Ross, and John Bellamy.
Pumping cool mountain water at Andrews Cove!