hikers – John Bellamy, Terry Doyle, Jack Jacobi, Steve Jordan, Bob Magee, Bob Presley, Tony Presley,Dan Ross, Jack Slaton, David Whitaker
Trail access – Parked at Andrews Cove Campground north of Helen, GA. Hiked 2 miles up the Andrews Cove Trail to Indian Grave Gap on the Appalachian Trail and then on up to Tray Mountain. (9.8 mi. round trip) Another beautiful hiking day! Clear – temperature ranged from 66-84 degrees F.. Wildflowers viewed – Hydrangea, Spirea, Fire Pink, Grey Beardtongue, Galax, Flame Azalea, Rhododendrun M., Mountain Laurel, Leather Flower, Tall Milkweed, Four-leafed Milkweed, Whorled Losestrife,Foam Flower, Tall Bluet, Spiderwort, Phlox, Cow Wheat, Columbine, Pipsissawa, Yellow Star Grass, Black Cohosh.- among others. Fauna identified – Peregrine Falcons (4), Broad winged Hawk, Black Vulture, tufted titmouse, oven bird, pileated woodpecker, blue jay, red-eyed vireo, hooded warbler, pine warbler, crow, towhee, junco, white-breasted nuthatch |
On our way to Tray Mountain! |
Hazy day view from the summit of Tray. |
View 2 from Tray. |
We ran into Karen Hartnett and Debbie Yavorski who were out for several days of hiking on the A.T. with dogs Rocky (with Karen) and Sunee (center). |
Rosebay Rhododendrons were blooming! |
Flame azaleas were still blooming. |
Our group at the top of Tray Mtn. Front (l-r) Jack Slaton, David Whitaker, Bob Magee, and Steve Jordan. Back (l-r) Jack Jacobi, Tony Presley, Bob Presley, Terry Doyle, Dan Ross, and John Bellamy. |
Pumping cool mountain water at Andrews Cove! |