7/9/03 Scaly Mtn. – Bartram Trail – N.C.

Scaly Mountain – Bartram Trail


hikers – Steve Doyle, Terry Doyle, Steve Jordan, Bob Magee, Wayne Miller, Bob Presley, Tony Presley,Dan Ross, Doug Russell, Jack Slaton, Bob Thompson, David Whitaker.

Trail access – Osage Mountain Overlook on N.C. Hwy. 106. Hiked up the Bartram Trail to Scaly Mountain and beyond. (6.5 mi. round trip)

Another beautiful hiking day! Partly cloudy – temperature ranged from 70-80 degrees F..

Wildflowers viewed – Fire Pink, Galax, Flame Azalea, Rhododendrun M., Whorled Losestrife,Tall Bluet, Spiderwort, Phlox, Yellow Star Grass, Black-eyed Susan, Chinkapin, Coreopsis, M. Saxafrage, Fly Poison, Interrupted Fern, Mountain Laurel, Indian Pipes, – among others.

Fauna identified – Veery, Turkey Vulture, tufted titmouse, Brown Thrasher, blue jay, towhee.

Osage Mountain Over-look!
The view from Osage Over-look.
A nice small waterfalls a short distance above Hwy 106.
A sweet-smelling Swamp Azalea.
The view from to top of Scaly Mountain!
Our group at Scaly. Kneeling (l-r)Jack Slaton, Doug Russell, Wayne Miller, Steve Doyle, and David Whitaker. Standing (l-r) Tony Presley, Bob Thompson, Bob Presley, Dan Ross, Bob Magee, Steve Jordan, and Terry Doyle.