7/15/03 Blood Mountain – A.T. – GA

Blood Mountain – Appalachian Trail – GA


hikers – Terry Doyle, Wayne Miller, Bob Presley, Tony Presley,Dan Ross, Doug Russell, Jack Slaton, Bob Thompson, David Whitaker.

Trail access – Neels Gap- Byron Herbert Reese Parking Lot. Hiked up the Reese connector trail to the A.T. and on up to the summit of Blood Mtn. From here, we hiked down to Slaughter Gap for lunch. Next, we hiked down to Bird Gap and took the Freeman Loop Trail back around Blood Mtn. to the Reese Trail back to the parking lot. (8.3 mi. round trip)

Another beautiful hiking day! Partly cloudy – temperature ranged from 70-84 degrees F..

Wildflowers viewed – Fire Pink, Galax, Flame Azalea, Rhododendrun M., Whorled Losestrife,Tall Bluet, Spiderwort, Phlox, Hawkweed, Black-eyed Susan, Coreopsis, M. Saxafrage, Indian Pipes, False Foxgloves, Jewelweed (two kinds) Heal-all, Mountain Mint, Beaked Hazelnut- among others.

Fauna identified – Grey Squirrel, Chipmunk, Ring-necked Snake , Turkey Vulture, Indigi Bunting, Red-eyed Vireo, Pileated Woodpecker, White breasted Nuthatch, Towhee, Carolina Wren..

The wilderness sign near Byron Reese Park
This little Ringed-neck Snake crossed our path.
We picked him up for a picture and then released him.
The views were nice even on this hazy day.
The Blood Mountain Shelter built in the 1930’s by the C.C.C.
The view from to summit of Blood Mountain!
A very good day for wildflowers –
a typical patch of Black-eyed Susans.
Our group at Slaughter Gap. Kneeling (l-r) David Whitaker, Jack Slaton and Wayne Miller.
Standing (l-r) Doug Russell, Bob Presley, Dan Ross, Terry Doyle, Bob Thompson, and Tony Presley.