7/29/03 Raven Cliffs and Dukes Creek

Raven Cliffs Falls and Dukes Creek Falls, GA


hikers – John Bellamy, Jack Jacobi, Steve Jordan, Bob Magee, Wayne Miller, Bob Presley, Tony Presley,Dan Ross, Doug Russell,Jack Slaton, Bob Thompson, David Whitaker

Trail access – Richard B. Russell Scenic Highway North of Helen, GA (GA 348 N.) Raven Cliffs parking lot.

Another beautiful hiking day! Partly Cloudy – temperature ranged from 75-80 degrees F. Distance – Raven Cliffs Trail (5 miles r.t.) + Dukes Creek (2 miles r.t.) .

Fauna identified – Black Bear (actually the couple behind us saw it.), and a Pileated Woodpecker.

Wildflowers viewed – Rhododendrum M., Wild Potato Vine, Asiatic Day Flower, Black-eyed Susans, Showy Plantains, Rattlesnake Plantains, Spotted Jewel-weed, Mountain Mint, Coreopsis, Joe Pye Weed, Tall Goldenrod. among others.

The trail head off of HWY 348 N.
The trail follows Dodd Creek all the way to the Cliffs. You hear the pleasant sounds of rushing water for the entire distance.
The massive rock faces of Raven Cliffs.
Raven Cliffs Falls!
Trail head for Dukes Creek Falls.
Dodd Creek forms a nice and noisy falls adjacent to
Dukes Creek Falls.
Dukes Creek Falls cascades 250 ft. as Davis Creek joins with Dodd Creek to become Dukes Creek.
Our group on a viewing platform at Dukes Creek. (l-r) Tony Presley, Bob Thompson, Wayne Miller, John Bellamy, Jack Slaton, David Whitaker, Bob Presley, Steve Jordan, Dan Ross,Jack Jacobi, Doug Russell, and Bob Magee.