8/5/03 Bad Creek to Thompson River.

Bad Creek to Thompson River Bridge


hikers – John Bellamy, Steve Jordan, Wayne Miller, Bob Presley, Tony Presley,Dan Ross, Doug Russell, Bob Thompson, David Whitaker

Trail access – Turn left from HWY 11 onto SC 130. Drive approx. 10 miles (very near the NC state line) to the Bad Creek Parking lot for the Foothills trail access.

Another beautiful hiking day! Partly Cloudy – humid – temperature ranged from 75-82 degrees F. Distance 7.2 miles r.t. moderate with some hills.

Wildflowers viewed – Cranefly Orchid, Yellow Fringed Orchid (not fully opened), Showy Rattlesnake Plantain, Yellow Star Grass, Tall Bluets, Narrow-leafed Sunflower, Indian Turnips, Flowering Spurge, Partrige Pea, Summer Sweet.

Fauna identified – Leopard Frogs, Banded Water Snakes(6), Pileated Woodpecker, Carolina Wren ..

Near the beginning of the hike, we cross the Whitewater River.
Our lunchtime destination was the Thompson River.
On the riverbank, we spotted 6 banded water snakes.
This one was ready to shed (see milky eye).
This big guy decided to exit the log as we closed in for a picture.
Beggar Lice were blooming!
This close-up shows that they are actually beautiful!
Boulder-filled Thompson River!
If you drive a half-mile south of the trail
parking lot, you get some nice views of Jocassee Lake.
Our group near the Bad Creek Parking lot. (l-r) Tony Presley, Steve Jordan, Doug Russell, Bob Thompson, Dan Ross, Bob Presley, John Bellamy, Wayne Miller and David Whitaker.